Detect dates and hours missing in filenames
Facebook mobility data is reported daily at 3 different hours (0, 8, 16). This function reads the data extracted from the current files and detects if any file for a particular day or hour is missing.
# Sample dataset
data <- data.frame(
country = c("US", "MX", "MX"),
day = c("2023-01-01", "2023-01-03", "2023-01-05"),
hour = c(0, 8, 16)
#> day hour
#> 1 2023-01-02 0
#> 2 2023-01-03 0
#> 3 2023-01-04 0
#> 4 2023-01-05 0
#> 5 2023-01-01 8
#> 6 2023-01-02 8
#> 7 2023-01-04 8
#> 8 2023-01-05 8
#> 9 2023-01-01 16
#> 10 2023-01-02 16
#> 11 2023-01-03 16
#> 12 2023-01-04 16