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This package is a polyhedra database based on the poly package found on (Original Help message), and the polyhedra definitions found on As such, Rpolyhedra provides with the following:

  1. A module to scrape the polyhedra for the different sources found with features for incremental correction of issues found and to be found in scraping process.
  2. A database of the scraped polyhedra.
  3. An R6 polyhedron representation with ‘rgl’ package visualizing capabilities.
Release Usage Development
minimal R version
CRAN codecov
Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.


Through Rpolyhedraexplorer you can navigate the polyhedra database without actually installing R environment.

How to get started


How to get started (Development version)

Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:

devtools::install_github("ropensci/Rpolyhedra", build_opts = NULL)

Loading the database

# if want to switch to fullDB in user filespace, it will ask you for downloading the full database to your home directory

A simple example of 5 regular polyhedra

To get started execute the following commands:

# 0.  Load libraries
# For foarding webgl output to knitr
knit_hooks$set(webgl = hook_webgl)
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# 1.  Obtain 5 regular solids
polyhedra.2.draw <- getAvailablePolyhedra(source = "netlib")
polyhedra.2.draw <- polyhedra.2.draw %>%
                        filter( %in%
                            c("tetrahedron", "octahedron", "cube",
                               "icosahedron", "dodecahedron"))

# 2. Setup colors and scales
n <- nrow(polyhedra.2.draw)
polyhedron.colors <- rainbow(n)

polyhedron.scale <- 5
# For interactive RGL window
#```{r, render, webgl=TRUE}
# 3. open and setup RGL window
#> glX 
#>   1
par3d(FOV = 1) sphere =FALSE, fogtype = "none", color=c("black"))
rgl.viewpoint(theta = 0, phi=0, zoom=0.8, fov=1)
# 4. for each polyhedron, setup rotation, position and render
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
  # Obtain polyhedron
  polyhedron.row <- polyhedra.2.draw[i,] <- polyhedron.row$
  polyhedron <- getPolyhedron(source = polyhedron.row$source,

  # Setup angles, position into transformationMatrix
  current.angle <- i/n * 2 * pi
  tm <- rotationMatrix(current.angle, 1, 0, 0)
  x.pos <- round(polyhedron.scale * sin(current.angle), 2)
  y.pos <- round(polyhedron.scale * cos(current.angle), 2)
  tm <- tm %*% translationMatrix(x.pos, y.pos, 0)

  # Render
  print(paste("Drawing ",, " rotated ", round(current.angle, 2),
              " in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (", x.pos, ",", y.pos, ",0)",
              " with color ", polyhedron.colors[i], sep = ""))
  shape.rgl <- polyhedron$getRGLModel(transformation.matrix = tm)
  shade3d(shape.rgl, color = polyhedron.colors[i])
#> [1] "Drawing tetrahedron rotated 1.26 in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (4.76,1.55,0) with color #FF0000"
#> [1] "Drawing octahedron rotated 2.51 in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (2.94,-4.05,0) with color #CCFF00"
#> [1] "Drawing cube rotated 3.77 in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (-2.94,-4.05,0) with color #00FF66"
#> [1] "Drawing icosahedron rotated 5.03 in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (-4.76,1.55,0) with color #0066FF"
#> [1] "Drawing dodecahedron rotated 6.28 in (1,0,0) axis. Translated to (0,5,0) with color #CC00FF"




Includes 142 polyhedra definitions. The PHD format was created to describe the geometric polyhedron definitions derived mathematically by Andrew Hume and by the Kaleido program of Zvi Har’El.

PHD files were generated using poly2 library (no longer maintained). Although the code is available, specific programming skills are required to run it.

PHD files can be found in extdata/


Includes 767 polyhedra definitions. The polyhedra database built by David Mccooey has an open format which has been scraped to feed Rpolyhedra database

dmccooey files can be found in extdata/




apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev


run end user CRAN version

macOS brew

brew install openssl

After, in R:




sudo apt-get install r-cran-rgl

Please note that the ‘Rpolyhedra’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.