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The U.S. Census Bureau provides cartographic boundary files for current U.S. boundaries. The datasets in this package provide a selection of boundaries from the 2020 Census files. They are objects of class sf from the sf package. They are intended to be used with the functions in the USAboundaries package, but the data objects can also be used on their own. The data attributes associated with these boundaries are unchanged from what is available in the Census boundary files, with the exception that state_name and state_abbreviation columns have been added where necessary for convience in filtering the boundaries.


The following objects are included in this package:


Congressional district boundaries for the 116th Congress, 1:20m resolution.


County boundaries, 1:500k resolution.


County boundaries, 1:20m resolution.


State boundaries, 1:500k resolution.


Centroids of Zip Code Tabulation Areas (2019).

See the USAboundaries package for low-resolution state boundaries and for the functions to access this data.


U.S. Census Bureau, Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles (2020).

See the U.S. Census Bureau's "Understanding Geographic Identifiers (GEOIDs)" and their "Geographic Codes" pages for the details of this attribute data.