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The BibTeX file is read, parsed, tidied and written to a tibble


bib2df(file, separate_names = FALSE, merge_lines = FALSE)



character, path or URL to a .bib file.


logical, should authors' and editors' names be separated into first and given name?


logical, set to FALSE by default. If set to TRUE identifies entries that span several lines and merges them


A tibble.


For simplicity bib2df() unifies the reading, parsing and tidying of a BibTeX file while being aware of a standardized output format, different BibTeX styles and missing values in the BibTeX file.

When separate_names = TRUE, the respective columns contain a data.frame for each row. When FALSE, the respective columns contain character strings.

See also


Philipp Ottolinger


# Read from .bib file:
path <- system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_3.bib", package = "bib2df")
bib <- bib2df(path)
#> tibble [3 × 26] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ BIBTEXKEY   : chr [1:3] "Binmore2008" "Osborne1994" "BrandenburgerDekel1989"
#>  $ ADDRESS     : chr [1:3] NA NA "New York"
#>  $ ANNOTE      : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ AUTHOR      :List of 3
#>   ..$ : chr "Binmore, Ken"
#>   ..$ : chr [1:2] "Osborne, Martin J." "Rubinstein, Ariel"
#>   ..$ : chr [1:2] "Brandenburger, Adam" "Dekel, Eddie"
#>  $ BOOKTITLE   : chr [1:3] NA NA "The Economics of Missing Markets, Information and Games"
#>  $ CHAPTER     : chr [1:3] NA NA "3"
#>  $ CROSSREF    : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ EDITION     : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ EDITOR      :List of 3
#>   ..$ : chr NA
#>   ..$ : chr NA
#>   ..$ : chr "Hahn, Frank"
#>  $ HOWPUBLISHED: chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ INSTITUTION : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ JOURNAL     : chr [1:3] "Topoi" NA NA
#>  $ KEY         : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ MONTH       : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ NOTE        : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ NUMBER      : chr [1:3] "1" NA NA
#>  $ ORGANIZATION: chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ PAGES       : chr [1:3] "17--27" NA "46--61"
#>  $ PUBLISHER   : chr [1:3] NA "The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts" "Oxford University Press"
#>  $ SCHOOL      : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ SERIES      : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ TITLE       : chr [1:3] "Do Conventions Need to Be Common Knowledge?" "A Course in Game Theory" "The Role of Common Knowledge Assumptions in Game Theory"
#>  $ TYPE        : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ VOLUME      : chr [1:3] "27" NA NA
#>  $ YEAR        : num [1:3] 2008 1994 1989

# Read from .bib file and separate authors' and editors' names:
bib <- bib2df(path, separate_names = TRUE)
#> tibble [3 × 26] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ BIBTEXKEY   : chr [1:3] "Binmore2008" "Osborne1994" "BrandenburgerDekel1989"
#>  $ ADDRESS     : chr [1:3] NA NA "New York"
#>  $ ANNOTE      : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ AUTHOR      :List of 3
#>   ..$ :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  6 variables:
#>   .. ..$ salutation : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ first_name : chr "Ken"
#>   .. ..$ middle_name: chr NA
#>   .. ..$ last_name  : chr "Binmore"
#>   .. ..$ suffix     : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ full_name  : chr "Ken Binmore"
#>   ..$ :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  6 variables:
#>   .. ..$ salutation : chr [1:2] NA NA
#>   .. ..$ first_name : chr [1:2] "Martin" "Ariel"
#>   .. ..$ middle_name: chr [1:2] "J." NA
#>   .. ..$ last_name  : chr [1:2] "Osborne" "Rubinstein"
#>   .. ..$ suffix     : chr [1:2] NA NA
#>   .. ..$ full_name  : chr [1:2] "Martin J. Osborne" "Ariel Rubinstein"
#>   ..$ :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  6 variables:
#>   .. ..$ salutation : chr [1:2] NA NA
#>   .. ..$ first_name : chr [1:2] "Adam" "Eddie"
#>   .. ..$ middle_name: chr [1:2] NA NA
#>   .. ..$ last_name  : chr [1:2] "Brandenburger" "Dekel"
#>   .. ..$ suffix     : chr [1:2] NA NA
#>   .. ..$ full_name  : chr [1:2] "Adam Brandenburger" "Eddie Dekel"
#>  $ BOOKTITLE   : chr [1:3] NA NA "The Economics of Missing Markets, Information and Games"
#>  $ CHAPTER     : chr [1:3] NA NA "3"
#>  $ CROSSREF    : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ EDITION     : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ EDITOR      :List of 3
#>   ..$ :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  6 variables:
#>   .. ..$ salutation : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ first_name : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ middle_name: chr NA
#>   .. ..$ last_name  : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ suffix     : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ full_name  : chr NA
#>   ..$ :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  6 variables:
#>   .. ..$ salutation : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ first_name : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ middle_name: chr NA
#>   .. ..$ last_name  : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ suffix     : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ full_name  : chr NA
#>   ..$ :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  6 variables:
#>   .. ..$ salutation : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ first_name : chr "Frank"
#>   .. ..$ middle_name: chr NA
#>   .. ..$ last_name  : chr "Hahn"
#>   .. ..$ suffix     : chr NA
#>   .. ..$ full_name  : chr "Frank Hahn"
#>  $ HOWPUBLISHED: chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ INSTITUTION : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ JOURNAL     : chr [1:3] "Topoi" NA NA
#>  $ KEY         : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ MONTH       : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ NOTE        : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ NUMBER      : chr [1:3] "1" NA NA
#>  $ ORGANIZATION: chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ PAGES       : chr [1:3] "17--27" NA "46--61"
#>  $ PUBLISHER   : chr [1:3] NA "The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts" "Oxford University Press"
#>  $ SCHOOL      : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ SERIES      : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ TITLE       : chr [1:3] "Do Conventions Need to Be Common Knowledge?" "A Course in Game Theory" "The Role of Common Knowledge Assumptions in Game Theory"
#>  $ TYPE        : chr [1:3] NA NA NA
#>  $ VOLUME      : chr [1:3] "27" NA NA
#>  $ YEAR        : num [1:3] 2008 1994 1989