Query Phylomatic for a phylogenetic tree.
taxnames = TRUE,
get = "GET",
informat = "newick",
method = "phylomatic",
storedtree = "R20120829",
treeuri = NULL,
taxaformat = "slashpath",
outformat = "newick",
clean = TRUE,
db = "apg",
mssgs = TRUE,
- taxa
Phylomatic format input of taxa names.
- taxnames
(default), we get the family names for you to attach to your species names to send to Phylomatic API. IfFALSE
, you have to provide the strings in the right format.- get
'GET' (default) or 'POST' format for submission to the website.
- informat
One of newick (default), nexml, or cdaordf. If using a stored tree, informat should always be newick.
- method
One of phylomatic (default) or convert
- storedtree
One of R20120829 (Phylomatic tree R20120829 for plants), smith2011 (Smith 2011, plants), binindaemonds2007 (Bininda-Emonds 2007, mammals), or zanne2014 (Zanne et al. 2014, plants). Default: R20120829
- treeuri
URL for a phylogenetic tree in newick format.
- taxaformat
Only option is slashpath for now. Leave as is.
- outformat
One of newick, nexml, or fyt.
- clean
Return a clean tree or not. Default:
- db
One of "ncbi", "itis", or "apg". Default: apg
- mssgs
Print messages. Default:
- ...
curl options passed on to crul::HttpClient
Use the web interface at http://phylodiversity.net/phylomatic/
If you set taxnames = FALSE
, you need to pass in a character
vector, with each element like this example:
, of the form
"family/genus/genus_specfic epithet"
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Input taxonomic names
taxa <- c("Poa annua", "Phlox diffusa", "Helianthus annuus")
tree <- phylomatic(taxa=taxa, get = 'POST')
plot(tree, no.margin=TRUE)
# Genus names
taxa <- c("Poa", "Phlox", "Helianthus")
tree <- phylomatic(taxa=taxa, storedtree='R20120829', get='POST')
plot(tree, no.margin=TRUE)
# Lots of names
taxa <- c("Poa annua", "Collomia grandiflora", "Lilium lankongense", "Phlox diffusa",
"Iteadaphne caudata", "Gagea sarmentosa", "Helianthus annuus")
tree <- phylomatic(taxa=taxa, get = 'POST')
plot(tree, no.margin=TRUE)
# Don't clean - clean=TRUE is default
(tree <- phylomatic(taxa=taxa, clean = FALSE))
## with clean=FALSE, you can get non-splitting nodes, which you
## need to collpase before plotting
plot(collapse.singles(tree), no.margin=TRUE)
# Output NeXML format
taxa <- c("Gonocarpus leptothecus", "Gonocarpus leptothecus", "Lilium lankongense")
out <- phylomatic(taxa=taxa, get = 'POST', outformat = "nexml")
# Lots of names, note that when you have enough names (number depends on length of individual
# names, so there's no per se rule), you will get an error when using `get='GET'`,
# when that happens use `get='POST'`
spp <- names_list("species", 500)
# phylomatic(taxa = spp, get = "GET")
(out <- phylomatic(taxa = spp, get = "POST", db = "itis"))
} # }