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Search for packages.


  q = "*:*",
  fq = NULL,
  sort = NULL,
  rows = NULL,
  start = NULL,
  facet = FALSE,
  facet.limit = NULL,
  facet.field = NULL,
  facet.mincount = NULL,
  include_drafts = FALSE,
  include_private = FALSE,
  use_default_schema = FALSE,
  url = get_default_url(),
  key = get_default_key(),
  as = "list",



Query terms, defaults to ':', or everything.


Filter query, this does not affect the search, only what gets returned


Field to sort on. You can specify ascending (e.g., score desc) or descending (e.g., score asc), sort by two fields (e.g., score desc, price asc), or sort by a function (e.g., sum(x_f, y_f) desc, which sorts by the sum of x_f and y_f in a descending order).


Number of records to return. Defaults to 10.


Record to start at, default to beginning.


(logical) Whether to return facet results or not. Default: FALSE


(numeric) This param indicates the maximum number of constraint counts that should be returned for the facet fields. A negative value means unlimited. Default: 100. Can be specified on a per field basis.


(character) This param allows you to specify a field which should be treated as a facet. It will iterate over each Term in the field and generate a facet count using that Term as the constraint. This parameter can be specified multiple times to indicate multiple facet fields. None of the other params in this section will have any effect without specifying at least one field name using this param.


(integer) the minimum counts for facet fields should be included in the results


(logical) if TRUE draft datasets will be included. A user will only be returned their own draft datasets, and a sysadmin will be returned all draft datasets. default: FALSE. first CKAN version: 2.6.1; dropped from request if CKAN version is older or if CKAN version isn't available via ckan_version()


(logical) if TRUE private datasets will be included. Only private datasets from the user’s organizations will be returned and sysadmins will be returned all private datasets. default: FALSE first CKAN version: 2.6.1; dropped from request if CKAN version is older or if CKAN version isn't available via ckan_version()


(logical) use default package schema instead of a custom schema defined with an IDatasetForm plugin. default: FALSE first CKAN version: 2.3.5; dropped from request if CKAN version is older or if CKAN version isn't available via ckan_version()


Base url to use. Default: See also ckanr_setup and get_default_url.


A privileged CKAN API key, Default: your key set with ckanr_setup


(character) One of list (default), table, or json. Parsing with table option uses jsonlite::fromJSON(..., simplifyDataFrame = TRUE), which attempts to parse data to data.frame's when possible, so the result can vary from a vector, list or data.frame. (required)


Curl args passed on to verb-POST (optional)


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ckanr_setup(url = "", key=getOption("ckan_demo_key"))

package_search(q = '*:*')
package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 2, as = 'json')
package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 2, as = 'table')

package_search(q = '*:*', sort = 'score asc')
package_search(q = '*:*', fq = 'num_tags:[3 TO *]')$count
package_search(q = '*:*', fq = 'num_tags:[2 TO *]')$count
package_search(q = '*:*', fq = 'num_tags:[1 TO *]')$count
} # }