Parsing Codemeta Data
Illustrate the kind of information we can discover by parsing collections of codemeta documents programmatically
Carl Boettiger
Here we illustrate some example use cases that involve parsing codemeta data.
We then digest this input using a JSON-LD “frame.” While not strictly
necessary, this helps ensure the data matches the format we expect, even
if the original file had errors or missing data. See the vignette
“Validating in JSON-LD” in this package and the official JSON-LD docs
for details). The codemetar
package includes a reasonably
explicit frame to get us started:
frame <- system.file("schema/frame_schema.json", package="codemetar")
codemeta <- system.file("codemeta.json", package="codemetar")
meta <-
jsonld_frame(codemeta, frame) %>%
fromJSON(FALSE) %>% getElement("@graph") %>% getElement(1)
Construct a citation
authors <-
person(given = author$given,
family = author$family,
email = author$email,
role = "aut"))
year <- meta$datePublished
year <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")
bibitem <-
bibtype = "Manual",
title = meta$name,
author = authors,
year = year,
note = paste0("R package version ", meta$version),
url = meta$URL,
key = meta$identifier
cat(format(bibitem, "bibtex"))
title = {codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages},
year = {2025},
note = {R package version 0.3.3},
(2025). _codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages_. R
package version 0.3.3.
Parsing the ropensci corpus
The ropensci corpus consists of a list of codemeta files for all packages provided by the rOpenSci project, <ropensci.org>. This provides a good test-case for how a large collection of codemeta files can be manipulated to help us get a better picture of the corpus.
As before, it is helpful, though not essential, to start off by framing the input data.
frame <- system.file("schema/frame_schema.json", package="codemetar")
corpus <-
jsonld_frame("ropensci.json", frame) %>%
fromJSON(simplifyVector = FALSE) %>%
We’re now ready to start exploring. As usual, functions from
prove very useful for iterating through large JSON
files. First, we look at some basic summary data:
## deal with nulls explicitly by starting with map
pkgs <- map(corpus, "name") %>% compact() %>% as.character()
# keep only those with package identifiers (names)
keep <- map_lgl(corpus, ~ length(.x$identifier) > 0)
corpus <- corpus[keep]
## now we can just do
all_pkgs <- map_chr(corpus, "name")
[1] "AntWeb: programmatic interface to the AntWeb"
[2] "aRxiv: Interface to the arXiv API"
[3] "chromer: Interface to Chromosome Counts Database API"
[4] "ckanr: Client for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network ('CKAN') 'API'"
[5] "dashboard: A package status dashboard"
[6] "ggit: Git Graphics"
[1] 61
## Mostly Scott
map_chr(corpus, c("maintainer", "familyName")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(value) %>%
value | n |
Chamberlain | 105 |
Ooms | 12 |
Mullen | 8 |
Ram | 8 |
Boettiger | 6 |
Salmon | 5 |
FitzJohn | 4 |
Hart | 2 |
Leeper | 2 |
Marwick | 2 |
Müller | 2 |
Padgham | 2 |
South | 2 |
Varela | 2 |
Vitolo | 2 |
Arnold | 1 |
Attali | 1 |
Banbury | 1 |
Becker | 1 |
Bengtsson | 1 |
Braginsky | 1 |
Broman | 1 |
Bryan | 1 |
Dallas | 1 |
Drost | 1 |
Fischetti | 1 |
Ghahraman | 1 |
Goring | 1 |
Harrison | 1 |
Hughes | 1 |
Jahn | 1 |
Jones | 1 |
Keyes | 1 |
Krah | 1 |
Lehtomaki | 1 |
Lovelace | 1 |
Lundstrom | 1 |
McGlinn | 1 |
McVey | 1 |
Meissner | 1 |
Michonneau | 1 |
Moroz | 1 |
Otegui | 1 |
Pardo | 1 |
Pennell | 1 |
Poelen | 1 |
Robinson | 1 |
Ross | 1 |
Rowlingson | 1 |
Scott | 1 |
Seers | 1 |
Shotwell | 1 |
Sievert | 1 |
Sparks | 1 |
Stachelek | 1 |
Szöcs | 1 |
Widgren | 1 |
Wiggin | 1 |
Winter | 1 |
de Queiroz | 1 |
hackathoners | 1 |
## number of co-authors ...
map_int(corpus, function(r) length(r$author)) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(value) %>%
value | n |
1 | 146 |
2 | 30 |
3 | 17 |
4 | 8 |
5 | 5 |
7 | 3 |
13 | 1 |
## Contributors isn't used as much...
map_int(corpus, function(r) length(r$contributor)) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(value) %>%
value | n |
0 | 178 |
2 | 13 |
3 | 12 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 1 |
8 | 1 |
Numbers (n) of packages with a total of (value) dependencies:
map_int(corpus, function(r) length(r$softwareRequirements)) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(value) %>%
value | n |
3 | 37 |
4 | 31 |
5 | 31 |
2 | 25 |
7 | 19 |
6 | 16 |
8 | 13 |
9 | 8 |
12 | 7 |
10 | 6 |
11 | 6 |
13 | 3 |
0 | 2 |
14 | 1 |
17 | 1 |
18 | 1 |
21 | 1 |
22 | 1 |
23 | 1 |
which dependencies are used most frequently?
corpus %>%
## single, unboxed dep
if("name" %in% names(x$softwareRequirements))
dep <- x$name
else if("name" %in% names(x$softwareRequirements[[1]]))
dep <- map_chr(x$softwareRequirements, "name")
else { ## No requirementsß
dep <- NA
tibble(identifier = x$identifier, dep = dep)
}) -> dep_df
dep_df %>%
group_by(dep) %>%
tally(sort = TRUE)
dep | n |
jsonlite | 99 |
httr | 92 |
R | 66 |
tibble | 46 |
dplyr | 43 |
methods | 37 |
xml2 | 37 |
data.table | 35 |
utils | 35 |
crul | 31 |
plyr | 29 |
XML | 25 |
magrittr | 24 |
sp | 22 |
stringr | 21 |
curl | 18 |
ggplot2 | 18 |
lazyeval | 17 |
stats | 17 |
R6 | 14 |
lubridate | 14 |
rappdirs | 13 |
RCurl | 12 |
assertthat | 12 |
digest | 12 |
readr | 11 |
rgdal | 10 |
whisker | 10 |
scales | 9 |
ape | 8 |
raster | 8 |
tidyr | 8 |
Rcpp | 7 |
reshape2 | 7 |
rvest | 7 |
V8 | 6 |
rgeos | 6 |
hoardr | 5 |
rjson | 5 |
taxize | 5 |
tools | 5 |
R(>=3.2.1) | 4 |
git2r | 4 |
maps | 4 |
oai | 4 |
openssl | 4 |
solrium | 4 |
urltools | 4 |
RColorBrewer | 3 |
foreach | 3 |
knitr | 3 |
leaflet | 3 |
maptools | 3 |
memoise | 3 |
mime | 3 |
pdftools | 3 |
purrr | 3 |
rgbif | 3 |
rmarkdown | 3 |
shiny | 3 |
spocc | 3 |
stringi | 3 |
uuid | 3 |
wicket | 3 |
yaml | 3 |
Biostrings | 2 |
MASS | 2 |
R.cache | 2 |
R.utils | 2 |
base64enc | 2 |
bibtex | 2 |
crayon | 2 |
devtools | 2 |
downloader | 2 |
fauxpas | 2 |
gdata | 2 |
gistr | 2 |
graphics | 2 |
grid | 2 |
htmltools | 2 |
htmlwidgets | 2 |
httpcode | 2 |
igraph | 2 |
jqr | 2 |
miniUI | 2 |
ncdf4 | 2 |
png | 2 |
rcrossref | 2 |
rentrez | 2 |
reshape | 2 |
rmapshaper | 2 |
rplos | 2 |
rvertnet | 2 |
shinyjs | 2 |
storr | 2 |
tm | 2 |
NA | 2 |
Biobase | 1 |
BiocGenerics | 1 |
DBI | 1 |
DT(>=0.1) | 1 |
EML | 1 |
GenomeInfoDb | 1 |
GenomicFeatures | 1 |
GenomicRanges(>=1.23.24) | 1 |
Hmisc | 1 |
IRanges | 1 |
Matrix | 1 |
RApiSerialize | 1 |
RMySQL | 1 |
RPostgreSQL | 1 |
RSQLite | 1 |
Rmpfr | 1 |
S4Vectors | 1 |
SSOAP | 1 |
SnowballC | 1 |
USAboundariesData: Datasets for the ‘USAboundaries’ package | 1 |
VariantAnnotation | 1 |
WikidataR | 1 |
aRxiv | 1 |
analogue | 1 |
antiword: Extract Text from Microsoft Word Documents | 1 |
apipkgen: Package Generator for HTTP API Wrapper Packages | 1 |
appl: Approximate POMDP Planning Software | 1 |
binman | 1 |
biomaRt | 1 |
bold | 1 |
caTools | 1 |
ckanr | 1 |
cld2: Google’s Compact Language Detector 2 | 1 |
countrycode | 1 |
cranlogs | 1 |
crminer | 1 |
crosstalk | 1 |
dirdf: Extracts Metadata from Directory and File Names | 1 |
doParallel | 1 |
elastic | 1 |
fastmatch | 1 |
foreign | 1 |
functionMap | 1 |
genderdata: Historical Datasets for Predicting Gender from Names | 1 |
geoaxe | 1 |
geojson | 1 |
geojsonrewind: Fix ‘GeoJSON’ Winding Direction | 1 |
geonames | 1 |
geoops: ‘GeoJSON’ Manipulation Operations | 1 |
geosphere | 1 |
getPass | 1 |
ggm | 1 |
ggmap | 1 |
ggthemes | 1 |
grDevices | 1 |
graphql | 1 |
gridExtra | 1 |
gtools | 1 |
hash | 1 |
hexbin | 1 |
historydata: Data Sets for Historians | 1 |
httpuv | 1 |
isdparser | 1 |
jsonvalidate | 1 |
jsonvalidate: Validate ‘JSON’ | 1 |
leafletR | 1 |
loggr | 1 |
mapproj | 1 |
markdown | 1 |
memisc | 1 |
miniUI(>=0.1.1) | 1 |
nabor | 1 |
natserv | 1 |
openxlsx | 1 |
osmar | 1 |
outliers | 1 |
pdftools: Text Extraction and Rendering of PDF Documents | 1 |
phytools | 1 |
plotly | 1 |
plumber | 1 |
progress | 1 |
protolite | 1 |
qlcMatrix | 1 |
rJava | 1 |
rapport | 1 |
rbhl | 1 |
rbison | 1 |
rebird | 1 |
redland | 1 |
redux | 1 |
remotes | 1 |
ridigbio | 1 |
ritis | 1 |
rlist | 1 |
rncl | 1 |
rnoaa | 1 |
rnrfa | 1 |
rotl | 1 |
rowr | 1 |
rredis | 1 |
rredlist | 1 |
rstudioapi(>=0.5) | 1 |
rtracklayer | 1 |
rworldmap | 1 |
rzmq: R Bindings for ZeroMQ | 1 |
scrapeR | 1 |
selectr | 1 |
sf | 1 |
shiny(>=0.13.2) | 1 |
snow | 1 |
spatstat | 1 |
stringdist | 1 |
sys | 1 |
tabulizerjars | 1 |
testthat | 1 |
tif: Text Interchange Format | 1 |
viridisLite | 1 |
wdman(>=0.2.2) | 1 |
wellknown | 1 |
wicket: Utilities to Handle WKT Spatial Data | 1 |
wikitaxa | 1 |
withr | 1 |
worrms | 1 |
xslt: XSLT 1.0 Transformations | 1 |
zoo | 1 |
Alternate approach using a frame instead of purrr
functions for subsetting the data. Note that this gets all Depends and
suggests (really all SoftwareApplication
dep_frame <- '{
"@context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codemeta/codemeta/master/codemeta.jsonld",
"@explicit": "true",
"name": {}
jsonld_frame("ropensci.json", dep_frame) %>%
fromJSON() %>%
getElement("@graph") %>%
filter(type == "SoftwareApplication") %>%
group_by(name) %>%
tally(sort = TRUE)
name | n |
testthat | 168 |
knitr | 122 |
jsonlite | 105 |
httr | 96 |
roxygen2 | 92 |
R | 72 |
rmarkdown | 68 |
covr | 52 |
dplyr | 49 |
tibble | 48 |
xml2 | 41 |
methods | 38 |
utils | 37 |
data.table | 36 |
ggplot2 | 36 |
crul | 33 |
plyr | 32 |
magrittr | 28 |
sp | 26 |
XML | 25 |
curl | 21 |
stringr | 21 |
lazyeval | 18 |
stats | 18 |
lubridate | 16 |
R6 | 14 |
readr | 14 |
rgdal | 14 |
rappdirs | 13 |
RCurl | 12 |
assertthat | 12 |
devtools | 12 |
digest | 12 |
raster | 12 |
scales | 12 |
Rcpp | 11 |
whisker | 11 |
leaflet | 10 |
rgeos | 10 |
taxize | 10 |
tidyr | 10 |
reshape2 | 9 |
V8 | 8 |
ape | 8 |
maps | 8 |
maptools | 7 |
purrr | 7 |
rvest | 7 |
pdftools | 6 |
rgbif | 6 |
shiny | 6 |
ggmap | 5 |
git2r | 5 |
hoardr | 5 |
ncdf4 | 5 |
png | 5 |
rjson | 5 |
tools | 5 |
R(>=3.2.1) | 4 |
RSQLite | 4 |
oai | 4 |
openssl | 4 |
rcrossref | 4 |
sf | 4 |
solrium | 4 |
urltools | 4 |
uuid | 4 |
yaml | 4 |
DBI | 3 |
MASS | 3 |
R.utils | 3 |
RColorBrewer | 3 |
fauxpas | 3 |
foreach | 3 |
gdata | 3 |
gistr | 3 |
graphics | 3 |
lintr | 3 |
memoise | 3 |
mime | 3 |
miniUI | 3 |
rentrez | 3 |
rmapshaper | 3 |
rvertnet | 3 |
rworldmap | 3 |
spocc | 3 |
stringi | 3 |
wicket | 3 |
Biostrings | 2 |
GGally | 2 |
Matrix | 2 |
R.cache | 2 |
RcppRedis | 2 |
base64enc | 2 |
bibtex | 2 |
broom | 2 |
crayon | 2 |
downloader | 2 |
elastic | 2 |
geiger | 2 |
getPass | 2 |
ggthemes | 2 |
grDevices | 2 |
grid | 2 |
gridExtra | 2 |
htmltools | 2 |
htmlwidgets | 2 |
httpcode | 2 |
igraph | 2 |
jqr | 2 |
jsonvalidate | 2 |
listviewer | 2 |
mapproj | 2 |
phylobase | 2 |
phytools | 2 |
readxl | 2 |
remotes | 2 |
reshape | 2 |
rplos | 2 |
shinyjs | 2 |
storr | 2 |
sys | 2 |
tm | 2 |
viridis | 2 |
webp | 2 |
zoo | 2 |
Biobase | 1 |
BiocGenerics | 1 |
Cairo | 1 |
DT(>=0.1) | 1 |
EML | 1 |
GSODR | 1 |
GenomeInfoDb | 1 |
GenomicFeatures | 1 |
GenomicRanges(>=1.23.24) | 1 |
Hmisc | 1 |
IRanges | 1 |
IRdisplay | 1 |
MCMCglmm | 1 |
RApiSerialize | 1 |
RMySQL | 1 |
RNeXML | 1 |
RPostgreSQL | 1 |
RSclient | 1 |
RSelenium | 1 |
RUnit | 1 |
Rcompression | 1 |
RedisAPI | 1 |
Rmpfr | 1 |
Rserve | 1 |
S4Vectors | 1 |
SSOAP | 1 |
SnowballC | 1 |
Suggests:testthat | 1 |
Sxslt | 1 |
USAboundaries | 1 |
USAboundariesData | 1 |
VariantAnnotation | 1 |
WikidataR | 1 |
XMLSchema | 1 |
aRxiv | 1 |
akima | 1 |
analogue | 1 |
binman | 1 |
biomaRt | 1 |
bold | 1 |
caTools | 1 |
ckanr | 1 |
corrplot | 1 |
countrycode | 1 |
cranlogs | 1 |
crminer | 1 |
crosstalk | 1 |
dendextend | 1 |
doParallel | 1 |
dplyr(>= | 1 |
etseed | 1 |
fastmatch | 1 |
fields | 1 |
forecast | 1 |
foreign | 1 |
fulltext | 1 |
functionMap | 1 |
genderdata | 1 |
geoaxe | 1 |
geojson | 1 |
geojsonio | 1 |
geojsonlint | 1 |
geonames | 1 |
geosphere | 1 |
ggalt | 1 |
ggm | 1 |
graphql | 1 |
gtools | 1 |
hash | 1 |
hexbin | 1 |
historydata | 1 |
httpuv | 1 |
isdparser | 1 |
janeaustenr | 1 |
jpeg | 1 |
knitcitations | 1 |
leafletR | 1 |
loggr | 1 |
magick | 1 |
mapdata | 1 |
markdown | 1 |
memisc | 1 |
miniUI(>=0.1.1) | 1 |
mongolite | 1 |
nabor | 1 |
natserv | 1 |
openair | 1 |
openxlsx | 1 |
osmar | 1 |
outliers | 1 |
pander | 1 |
parallel | 1 |
plot3D | 1 |
plotKML | 1 |
plotly | 1 |
plumber | 1 |
progress | 1 |
protolite | 1 |
purrrlyr | 1 |
qlcMatrix | 1 |
rJava | 1 |
rapport | 1 |
rbhl | 1 |
rbison | 1 |
rcdk | 1 |
readtext | 1 |
rebird | 1 |
redland | 1 |
redux | 1 |
reeack | 1 |
rfigshare | 1 |
ridigbio | 1 |
rinat | 1 |
ritis | 1 |
rlist | 1 |
rnaturalearthdata | 1 |
rnaturalearthhires | 1 |
rncl | 1 |
rnoaa | 1 |
rnrfa | 1 |
ropenaq | 1 |
rotl | 1 |
rowr | 1 |
rrdf | 1 |
rredis | 1 |
rredlist | 1 |
rrlite | 1 |
rstudioapi(>=0.5) | 1 |
rsvg | 1 |
rtracklayer | 1 |
sangerseqR | 1 |
scrapeR | 1 |
selectr | 1 |
seqinr | 1 |
shiny(>=0.13.2) | 1 |
snow | 1 |
sofa | 1 |
spacetime | 1 |
spatstat | 1 |
stringdist | 1 |
tabulizerjars | 1 |
testthat(>=0.7) | 1 |
tidytext | 1 |
tidyverse | 1 |
tiff | 1 |
tmap | 1 |
vegan | 1 |
viridisLite | 1 |
wdman(>=0.2.2) | 1 |
weathermetrics | 1 |
webmockr | 1 |
webshot | 1 |
wellknown | 1 |
wikitaxa | 1 |
withr | 1 |
wordcloud2 | 1 |
worrms | 1 |
xtable | 1 |
xts | 1 |
# summarise(count(name))