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Encrypt and decrypt raw data, objects, strings and files. The core functions here are encrypt_data and decrypt_data which take raw data and decrypt it, writing either to file or returning a raw vector. The other functions encrypt and decrypt arbitrary R objects (encrypt_object, decrypt_object), strings (encrypt_string, decrypt_string) and files (encrypt_file, decrypt_file).


encrypt_data(data, key, dest = NULL)

encrypt_object(object, key, dest = NULL, rds_version = NULL)

encrypt_string(string, key, dest = NULL)

encrypt_file(path, key, dest = NULL)

decrypt_data(data, key, dest = NULL)

decrypt_object(data, key)

decrypt_string(data, key)

decrypt_file(path, key, dest = NULL)



(for encrypt_data, decrypt_data, decrypt_object, decrypt_string) a raw vector with the data to be encrypted or decrypted. For the decryption functions this must be data derived by encrypting something or you will get an error.


A cyphr_key object describing the encryption approach to use.


The destination filename for the encrypted or decrypted data, or NULL to return a raw vector. This is not used by decrypt_object or decrypt_string which always return an object or string.


(for encrypt_object) an arbitrary R object to encrypt. It will be serialised to raw first (see serialize).


RDS serialisation version to use (see serialize. The default in R version 3.3 and below is version 2 - in the R 3.4 series version 3 was introduced and is becoming the default. Version 3 format serialisation is not understood by older versions so if you need to exchange data with older R versions, you will need to use rds_version = 2. The default argument here (NULL) will ensure the same serialisation is used as R would use by default.


(for encrypt_string) a scalar character vector to encrypt. It will be converted to raw first with charToRaw.


(for encrypt_file) the name of a file to encrypt. It will first be read into R as binary (see readBin).


key <- key_sodium(sodium::keygen())
# Some super secret data we want to encrypt:
x <- runif(10)
# Convert the data into a raw vector:
data <- serialize(x, NULL)
#>   [1] 58 0a 00 00 00 03 00 04 04 01 00 03 05 00 00 00 00 05 55 54 46 2d 38 00 00
#>  [26] 00 0e 00 00 00 0a 3f b4 ac 0a 80 00 00 00 3f ea b2 db 32 a0 00 00 3f e3 39
#>  [51] 6e e4 e0 00 00 3f c4 1f 67 fd 80 00 00 3f 7e 4e e0 60 00 00 00 3f dd d9 64
#>  [76] 1c 80 00 00 3f df db 95 b1 40 00 00 3f d2 8b 8b e9 c0 00 00 3f e7 73 c4 ec
#> [101] c0 00 00 3f e8 b8 7f 08 40 00 00
# Encrypt the data; without the key above we will never be able to
# decrypt this.
data_enc <- encrypt_data(data, key)
#>   [1] 33 3b 1a f1 56 81 9d 35 08 9c 23 a0 0e 4f 05 c4 76 23 ab f9 b1 c0 0a e9 ea
#>  [26] c8 e2 5d f0 86 5b d3 9f d5 78 23 b6 8f a3 5c 94 2a 2f 38 92 24 83 44 9d 5a
#>  [51] f6 4b 3d 4c d8 17 68 21 92 c1 b7 f2 86 40 3b 95 10 1f 86 74 3c 79 8b 55 3e
#>  [76] 92 8b e9 d2 b4 61 d8 72 a4 0b ad bf a3 36 82 95 2a 6b ef 0f 08 ac 9e fc 94
#> [101] b2 83 04 2b 00 25 ef 41 6f ab 0b 54 9b 16 30 2f 7a 5f 43 0f 39 2b 3f df ad
#> [126] eb ea 78 8e a4 52 90 2c b4 f3 8d 45 6d 1d ff 26 58 7d e2 49 27 8e 5a 99 e3
#> [151] 0d
# Our random numbers:
unserialize(decrypt_data(data_enc, key))
#>  [1] 0.080750138 0.834333037 0.600760886 0.157208442 0.007399441 0.466393497
#>  [7] 0.497777389 0.289767245 0.732881987 0.772521511
# Same as the never-encrypted version:
#>  [1] 0.080750138 0.834333037 0.600760886 0.157208442 0.007399441 0.466393497
#>  [7] 0.497777389 0.289767245 0.732881987 0.772521511

# This can be achieved more easily using `encrypt_object`:
data_enc <- encrypt_object(x, key)
identical(decrypt_object(data_enc, key), x)
#> [1] TRUE

# Encrypt strings easily:
str_enc <- encrypt_string("secret message", key)
#>  [1] 96 ee 4b cb 03 53 52 64 fe 3b 54 b6 54 da 40 7e 71 c8 0d 82 ec d2 5e d7 67
#> [26] 93 88 26 07 c1 c6 61 a3 f8 3d 0b 21 34 05 3b 16 aa 74 43 12 29 13 51 87 ad
#> [51] f7 49 68 9f
decrypt_string(str_enc, key)
#> [1] "secret message"