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A DataObject that contains an XML document can be edited by specifying a path to the elements to edit (an XPath expression) and a value to replace the text node.


updateMetadata(x, do, ...)

# S4 method for class 'DataPackage'
updateMetadata(x, do, xpath, replacement, newId = NA_character_, ...)



a DataPackage instance


A DataObject instance object, or DataObject identifier


(Not yet used)


A character value specifying the location in the XML to update.


A character value that will replace the elements found with the xpath.


A value of type "character" which will replace the identifier for this DataObject.


This method requires some knowledge of the structure of the metadata document as well as facility with the XPath language. If the newId argument is used, the specified new identifier will be assigned to the object, and the previous identifier will be stored in the oldId slot, for possible use when updating the DataObject to a repository. If newId is not used, a new identifier will be generated for the DataObject only the first time that updateMetadata is called for a particular object in a DataPackage.


# Create a DataObject and add it to the DataPackage
dp <- new("DataPackage")
sampleMeta <- system.file("./extdata/sample-eml.xml", package="datapack")
id <- "1234"
metaObj <- new("DataObject", id="1234", format="eml://", 
dp <- addMember(dp, metaObj)

# In the metadata object, insert the newly assigned data 
xp <- sprintf("//dataTable/physical/distribution[../objectName/text()=\"%s\"]/online/url", 
newURL <- sprintf("", "1234")
dp <- updateMetadata(dp, id, xpath=xp, replacement=newURL)