Capture and record database transactions and save them as mocks
When creating database fixtures, it can sometimes be helpful to record the responses from the database for use in crafting tests.
start_db_capturing(path, redact_columns = NULL)
capture_db_requests(expr, path, redact_columns = NULL)
- path
the path to record mocks (default if missing: the first path in
.- redact_columns
a character vector of columns to redact. Any column that matches an entry will be redacted with a standard value for the column type (e.g. characters will be replaced with "[redacted]")
- expr
an expression to evaluate while capturing requests (for
You can start capturing with start_db_capturing()
and end it with
. All queries run against a database will be executed like
normal, but their responses will be saved to the mock path given, so that if
you use the same queries later inside of a with_mock_db
block, the
database functions will return as if they had been run against the database.
Alternatively, you can wrap the code that you are trying to capture in the
function capture_db_requests({...})
this does the same thing as
and stop_db_capturing()
but without needing to
remember to stop the recording.
You can redact certain columns using the redact_columns
argument. This will
replace the values in the column with a generic redacted version. This works
by always passing the data being saved through redact_columns
note You should always call DBI::dbConnect
inside of the capturing
block. When you connect to the database, dittodb sets up the mocks for the
specific database you're connecting to when you call DBI::dbConnect
# \donttest{
if (check_for_pkg("RSQLite", message)) {
# Temporary files for examples
nycflights_path <- tempfile()
con <- nycflights13_create_sqlite(location = nycflights_path)
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), nycflights_path)
df_1 <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM airlines LIMIT 1")
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM airlines LIMIT 2")
df_2 <- dbFetch(res)
start_db_capturing(redact_columns = "carrier")
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), nycflights_path)
df_3 <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM airlines LIMIT 3")
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), nycflights_path)
# the result from df1 above
print(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM airlines LIMIT 1"))
# the result from df3 above
print(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM airlines LIMIT 3"))
#> Creating the testing database from nycflights13
#> Creating table: airlines
#> Creating table: airports
#> Creating table: flights
#> Creating table: planes
#> Creating table: weather
#> carrier name
#> 1 9E Endeavor Air Inc.
#> carrier name
#> 1 [redacted] Endeavor Air Inc.
#> 2 [redacted] American Airlines Inc.
#> 3 [redacted] Alaska Airlines Inc.
#> carrier name
#> 1 [redacted] Endeavor Air Inc.
#> 2 [redacted] American Airlines Inc.
#> 3 [redacted] Alaska Airlines Inc.
# }