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Fetch gitignore template(s) from


  copy_to_clipboard = FALSE,
  append_gitignore = FALSE,
  gitignore_file = here::here(".gitignore")



A character vector with values included in gi_available_templates.


Logical. Should the returned template(s) be copied to the clipboard? Otherwise, it will be printed in the console. Default is FALSE.


Logical. Should the .gitignore be modified to include the returned template(s)?


The path of the .gitignore file to be modified. By default, it will try to find it in the current package/project using `here::here(".gitignore")`.


A character containing gitignore template(s).


# Fetch template for the R language
#> # Created by
#> # Edit at
#> ### R ###
#> # History files
#> .Rhistory
#> .Rapp.history
#> # Session Data files
#> .RData
#> .RDataTmp
#> # User-specific files
#> .Ruserdata
#> # Example code in package build process
#> *-Ex.R
#> # Output files from R CMD build
#> /*.tar.gz
#> # Output files from R CMD check
#> /*.Rcheck/
#> # RStudio files
#> .Rproj.user/
#> # produced vignettes
#> vignettes/*.html
#> vignettes/*.pdf
#> # OAuth2 token, see
#> .httr-oauth
#> # knitr and R markdown default cache directories
#> *_cache/
#> /cache/
#> # Temporary files created by R markdown
#> *
#> *
#> # R Environment Variables
#> .Renviron
#> # pkgdown site
#> docs/
#> # translation temp files
#> po/*~
#> # RStudio Connect folder
#> rsconnect/
#> ### R.Bookdown Stack ###
#> # R package: bookdown caching files
#> /*_files/
#> # End of

# You can combine many templates at once
gi_fetch_templates(c("R", "python", "java"))
#> # Created by,python,java
#> # Edit at,python,java
#> ### Java ###
#> # Compiled class file
#> *.class
#> # Log file
#> *.log
#> # BlueJ files
#> *.ctxt
#> # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
#> .mtj.tmp/
#> # Package Files #
#> *.jar
#> *.war
#> *.nar
#> *.ear
#> *.zip
#> *.tar.gz
#> *.rar
#> # virtual machine crash logs, see
#> hs_err_pid*
#> replay_pid*
#> ### Python ###
#> # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
#> __pycache__/
#> *.py[cod]
#> *$py.class
#> # C extensions
#> *.so
#> # Distribution / packaging
#> .Python
#> build/
#> develop-eggs/
#> dist/
#> downloads/
#> eggs/
#> .eggs/
#> lib/
#> lib64/
#> parts/
#> sdist/
#> var/
#> wheels/
#> share/python-wheels/
#> *.egg-info/
#> .installed.cfg
#> *.egg
#> # PyInstaller
#> #  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
#> #  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
#> *.manifest
#> *.spec
#> # Installer logs
#> pip-log.txt
#> pip-delete-this-directory.txt
#> # Unit test / coverage reports
#> htmlcov/
#> .tox/
#> .nox/
#> .coverage
#> .coverage.*
#> .cache
#> nosetests.xml
#> coverage.xml
#> *.cover
#> *.py,cover
#> .hypothesis/
#> .pytest_cache/
#> cover/
#> # Translations
#> *.mo
#> *.pot
#> # Django stuff:
#> db.sqlite3
#> db.sqlite3-journal
#> # Flask stuff:
#> instance/
#> .webassets-cache
#> # Scrapy stuff:
#> .scrapy
#> # Sphinx documentation
#> docs/_build/
#> # PyBuilder
#> .pybuilder/
#> target/
#> # Jupyter Notebook
#> .ipynb_checkpoints
#> # IPython
#> profile_default/
#> # pyenv
#> #   For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
#> #   intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
#> # .python-version
#> # pipenv
#> #   According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
#> #   However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
#> #   having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
#> #   install all needed dependencies.
#> #Pipfile.lock
#> # poetry
#> #   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
#> #   This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
#> #   commonly ignored for libraries.
#> #
#> #poetry.lock
#> # pdm
#> #   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
#> #pdm.lock
#> #   pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
#> #   in version control.
#> #
#> .pdm.toml
#> # PEP 582; used by e.g. and
#> __pypackages__/
#> # Celery stuff
#> celerybeat-schedule
#> # SageMath parsed files
#> *
#> # Environments
#> .env
#> .venv
#> env/
#> venv/
#> ENV/
#> env.bak/
#> venv.bak/
#> # Spyder project settings
#> .spyderproject
#> .spyproject
#> # Rope project settings
#> .ropeproject
#> # mkdocs documentation
#> /site
#> # mypy
#> .mypy_cache/
#> .dmypy.json
#> dmypy.json
#> # Pyre type checker
#> .pyre/
#> # pytype static type analyzer
#> .pytype/
#> # Cython debug symbols
#> cython_debug/
#> # PyCharm
#> #  JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
#> #  be found at
#> #  and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file.  For a more nuclear
#> #  option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
#> #.idea/
#> ### Python Patch ###
#> # Poetry local configuration file -
#> poetry.toml
#> # ruff
#> .ruff_cache/
#> # LSP config files
#> pyrightconfig.json
#> ### R ###
#> # History files
#> .Rhistory
#> .Rapp.history
#> # Session Data files
#> .RData
#> .RDataTmp
#> # User-specific files
#> .Ruserdata
#> # Example code in package build process
#> *-Ex.R
#> # Output files from R CMD build
#> /*.tar.gz
#> # Output files from R CMD check
#> /*.Rcheck/
#> # RStudio files
#> .Rproj.user/
#> # produced vignettes
#> vignettes/*.html
#> vignettes/*.pdf
#> # OAuth2 token, see
#> .httr-oauth
#> # knitr and R markdown default cache directories
#> *_cache/
#> /cache/
#> # Temporary files created by R markdown
#> *
#> *
#> # R Environment Variables
#> .Renviron
#> # pkgdown site
#> docs/
#> # translation temp files
#> po/*~
#> # RStudio Connect folder
#> rsconnect/
#> ### R.Bookdown Stack ###
#> # R package: bookdown caching files
#> /*_files/
#> # End of,python,java

# The .gitignore file can be automatically modified with `append_gitignore = TRUE`
gi_fetch_templates(c("R", "python", "java"))
#> # Created by,python,java
#> # Edit at,python,java
#> ### Java ###
#> # Compiled class file
#> *.class
#> # Log file
#> *.log
#> # BlueJ files
#> *.ctxt
#> # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
#> .mtj.tmp/
#> # Package Files #
#> *.jar
#> *.war
#> *.nar
#> *.ear
#> *.zip
#> *.tar.gz
#> *.rar
#> # virtual machine crash logs, see
#> hs_err_pid*
#> replay_pid*
#> ### Python ###
#> # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
#> __pycache__/
#> *.py[cod]
#> *$py.class
#> # C extensions
#> *.so
#> # Distribution / packaging
#> .Python
#> build/
#> develop-eggs/
#> dist/
#> downloads/
#> eggs/
#> .eggs/
#> lib/
#> lib64/
#> parts/
#> sdist/
#> var/
#> wheels/
#> share/python-wheels/
#> *.egg-info/
#> .installed.cfg
#> *.egg
#> # PyInstaller
#> #  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
#> #  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
#> *.manifest
#> *.spec
#> # Installer logs
#> pip-log.txt
#> pip-delete-this-directory.txt
#> # Unit test / coverage reports
#> htmlcov/
#> .tox/
#> .nox/
#> .coverage
#> .coverage.*
#> .cache
#> nosetests.xml
#> coverage.xml
#> *.cover
#> *.py,cover
#> .hypothesis/
#> .pytest_cache/
#> cover/
#> # Translations
#> *.mo
#> *.pot
#> # Django stuff:
#> db.sqlite3
#> db.sqlite3-journal
#> # Flask stuff:
#> instance/
#> .webassets-cache
#> # Scrapy stuff:
#> .scrapy
#> # Sphinx documentation
#> docs/_build/
#> # PyBuilder
#> .pybuilder/
#> target/
#> # Jupyter Notebook
#> .ipynb_checkpoints
#> # IPython
#> profile_default/
#> # pyenv
#> #   For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
#> #   intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
#> # .python-version
#> # pipenv
#> #   According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
#> #   However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
#> #   having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
#> #   install all needed dependencies.
#> #Pipfile.lock
#> # poetry
#> #   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
#> #   This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
#> #   commonly ignored for libraries.
#> #
#> #poetry.lock
#> # pdm
#> #   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
#> #pdm.lock
#> #   pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
#> #   in version control.
#> #
#> .pdm.toml
#> # PEP 582; used by e.g. and
#> __pypackages__/
#> # Celery stuff
#> celerybeat-schedule
#> # SageMath parsed files
#> *
#> # Environments
#> .env
#> .venv
#> env/
#> venv/
#> ENV/
#> env.bak/
#> venv.bak/
#> # Spyder project settings
#> .spyderproject
#> .spyproject
#> # Rope project settings
#> .ropeproject
#> # mkdocs documentation
#> /site
#> # mypy
#> .mypy_cache/
#> .dmypy.json
#> dmypy.json
#> # Pyre type checker
#> .pyre/
#> # pytype static type analyzer
#> .pytype/
#> # Cython debug symbols
#> cython_debug/
#> # PyCharm
#> #  JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
#> #  be found at
#> #  and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file.  For a more nuclear
#> #  option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
#> #.idea/
#> ### Python Patch ###
#> # Poetry local configuration file -
#> poetry.toml
#> # ruff
#> .ruff_cache/
#> # LSP config files
#> pyrightconfig.json
#> ### R ###
#> # History files
#> .Rhistory
#> .Rapp.history
#> # Session Data files
#> .RData
#> .RDataTmp
#> # User-specific files
#> .Ruserdata
#> # Example code in package build process
#> *-Ex.R
#> # Output files from R CMD build
#> /*.tar.gz
#> # Output files from R CMD check
#> /*.Rcheck/
#> # RStudio files
#> .Rproj.user/
#> # produced vignettes
#> vignettes/*.html
#> vignettes/*.pdf
#> # OAuth2 token, see
#> .httr-oauth
#> # knitr and R markdown default cache directories
#> *_cache/
#> /cache/
#> # Temporary files created by R markdown
#> *
#> *
#> # R Environment Variables
#> .Renviron
#> # pkgdown site
#> docs/
#> # translation temp files
#> po/*~
#> # RStudio Connect folder
#> rsconnect/
#> ### R.Bookdown Stack ###
#> # R package: bookdown caching files
#> /*_files/
#> # End of,python,java