Find host-parasite interactions for a given parasite species.
Given a host genus and/or species, this function returns a matrix containing
host-parasite interaction data. Search available locations using
genus = NULL,
species = NULL,
group = NULL,
subgroup = NULL,
location = NULL,
citation = FALSE,
hostState = NULL,
speciesOnly = FALSE,
validateHosts = FALSE,
removeDuplicates = FALSE
- genus
Parasite genus
- species
Parasite species
- group
Parasite group - Cestodes, Acanthocephalans, Monogeneans, Nematodes, Trematodes, or Turbellarian etc. (Turb)
- subgroup
Parasite subgroup (family names largely)
- location
Location of host-parasite interaction.
- citation
Boolean. Should the output include the citation link and the number of supporting citations? default is FALSE
- hostState
number corresponding to one of six different host states. The default value is NULL includes all host states
- speciesOnly
boolean flag to remove host and parasite species where data are only available at genus level (default = FALSE)
- validateHosts
boolean flag to check host species names against Catalogue of Life information and output taxonomic information (default = FALSE)
- removeDuplicates
(boolean) should duplicate host-parasite combinations be removed? (default is FALSE)
Three (or five) column data.frame containing host species,
parasite species (shortened name and full name), and citation link and
number of citations (if citation = TRUE
), with each row corresponding
to an occurrence of a parasite species on a host species.
can take values 1-6 corresponding to if the recorded host
was found
(1) "In the wild"
(2) "Zoo captivity"
(3) "Domesticated"
(4) "Experimental"
(5) "Commercial source"
(6) "Accidental infestation"
Gibson, D. I., Bray, R. A., & Harris, E. A. (Compilers) (2005). Host-Parasite Database of the Natural History Museum, London. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/scientific-resources/taxonomy-systematics/host-parasites/>
strongHosts <- helminthR::findParasite(genus = "Strongyloides")
# An example of how to query multiple parasite species when
# you have a vector of parasite species names
parasites <- c("Ascaris aculeati", "Oxyuris flagellum")
# \donttest{
helminthR::findParasite(unlist(strsplit(x, " "))[1],
unlist(strsplit(x," "))[2])
#> Host Parasite ParasiteFull
#> 1 Gasterosteus aculeatus Ascaris aculeati Ascaris aculeati Linstow, 1884
#> 2 Procavia syriaca Oxyuris flagellum Oxyuris flagellum Ehrenberg, 1828
# }