Naval encounters during the Quasi War between France and the United States of America
Naval encounters during the Quasi War between France and the United States of America
This data was gathered by Abby Mullen.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#> date ship_1_name ship_1_type ship_1_nationality ship_2_name
#> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1798-09-28 America armed merchant ship USA "privateer"
#> 2 1798-07-11 American armed merchant ship USA "3 privateers"
#> 3 1798-09-27 Amphitrite armed merchant ship USA "ship "
#> 4 1798-05-09 Belvedere armed merchant ship USA "privateer sl…
#> 5 1798-04-22 Boston Packet armed brig USA "2 brigand bo…
#> 6 1798-12-28 Camilla armed merchant ship USA "2 privateers"
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: ship_2_nationality <chr>, location <chr>, lat <dbl>,
#> # long <dbl>, outcome <chr>, source <chr>, engagement_type <chr>,
#> # status <chr>, year <dbl>, month <dbl>, day <int>