Perform an advanced search of the Internet Archive, specifying which metadata fields to search. Note that all searches are in the form of "contains," i.e., the title contains the search term.
- terms
A set of metadata fields and corresponding values to search. These should take the form of a named character vector.
- num_results
The number of results to return per page.
- page
When results are paged, which page of results to return.
- print_url
Should the URL used for the query be printed as a message?
- print_total
Should the total number of results for this query be printed as a message?
See the documentation on the Internet Archive's advanced search page.
query1 <- c("title" = "damnation of theron ware")
#> 26 total items found. This query requested 5 results.
#> [1] "damnationofthero00haro_0"
#> [2] "dware10"
#> [3] "synapseml_gutenberg_the_damnation_of_theron_ware_by_harold_f"
#> [4] "damnationofthero00fred"
#> [5] "damnationofthero0000haro_f9g7"
query2 <- c("title" = "damnation of theron ware",
"contributor" = "gutenberg")
#> 2 total items found. This query requested 5 results.
#> [1] "dware10" "thedamnationofth00133gut"