Format strings and escaping
x <- '{"user":"jqlang","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}'
x %>% at(base64) %>% peek
#> <jq query>
#> query: @base64
x %>% at(base64)
#> "eyJ1c2VyIjoianFsYW5nIiwidGl0bGVzIjpbIkpRIFByaW1lciIsIk1vcmUgSlEiXX0="
x %>% index() %>% at(base64)
#> [
#> "anFsYW5n",
#> ]
y <- '["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]'
y %>% index() %>% at(base64)
#> [
#> "Zm8=",
#> "Zm9v",
#> "YmFyZm9v",
#> "Zm9vYmFy",
#> "YmFyZm9vYg=="
#> ]
## prepare for shell use
y %>% index() %>% at(sh)
#> [
#> "'fo'",
#> "'foo'",
#> "'barfoo'",
#> "'foobar'",
#> "'barfoob'"
#> ]
## rendered as csv with double quotes
z <- '[1, 2, 3, "a"]'
z %>% at(csv)
#> "1,2,3,\"a\""
## rendered as csv with double quotes
z %>% index()
#> [
#> 1,
#> 2,
#> 3,
#> "a"
#> ]
z %>% index() %>% at(text)
#> [
#> "1",
#> "2",
#> "3",
#> "a"
#> ]
## % encode for URI's
#### DOESNT WORK --------------------------
## html escape
#### DOESNT WORK --------------------------
## serialize to json
#### DOESNT WORK --------------------------