Combine json pieces
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#> "Print offending object in runtime error messages\n\nWhen reporting an error to the user, add information about the offending\nobject/value (possibly truncated).\n\nThe goal is to give a user some context regarding which input object\ncaused the runtime error.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ echo '\"hello\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"hello\") cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '\"very-long-string\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"very-long-...) cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",2]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and number (2) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",\"2\",{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and object ({\"a\":{\"b\":{...) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}' | ./jq '.a | @tsv'\n jq: error: object ({\"b\":{\"c\":33}}) cannot be tsv-formatted, only array\n\n(Fix #754)"
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#> "Print offending object in runtime error messages\n\nWhen reporting an error to the user, add information about the offending\nobject/value (possibly truncated).\n\nThe goal is to give a user some context regarding which input object\ncaused the runtime error.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ echo '\"hello\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"hello\") cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '\"very-long-string\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"very-long-...) cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",2]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and number (2) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",\"2\",{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and object ({\"a\":{\"b\":{...) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}' | ./jq '.a | @tsv'\n jq: error: object ({\"b\":{\"c\":33}}) cannot be tsv-formatted, only array\n\n(Fix #754)"
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#> "Print offending object in runtime error messages\n\nWhen reporting an error to the user, add information about the offending\nobject/value (possibly truncated).\n\nThe goal is to give a user some context regarding which input object\ncaused the runtime error.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ echo '\"hello\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"hello\") cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '\"very-long-string\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"very-long-...) cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",2]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and number (2) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",\"2\",{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and object ({\"a\":{\"b\":{...) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}' | ./jq '.a | @tsv'\n jq: error: object ({\"b\":{\"c\":33}}) cannot be tsv-formatted, only array\n\n(Fix #754)"
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#> "Print offending object in runtime error messages\n\nWhen reporting an error to the user, add information about the offending\nobject/value (possibly truncated).\n\nThe goal is to give a user some context regarding which input object\ncaused the runtime error.\n\nExamples:\n\n $ echo '\"hello\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"hello\") cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '\"very-long-string\"' | ./jq '-.'\n jq: error: string (\"very-long-...) cannot be negated\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",2]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and number (2) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '[\"1\",\"2\",{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}]' | ./jq '.|join(\",\")'\n jq: error: string (\",\") and object ({\"a\":{\"b\":{...) cannot be added\n\n $ echo '{\"a\":{\"b\":{\"c\":33}}}' | ./jq '.a | @tsv'\n jq: error: object ({\"b\":{\"c\":33}}) cannot be tsv-formatted, only array\n\n(Fix #754)"
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