Create a validator that can validate multiple json files.
- schema
Contents of the json schema, or a filename containing a schema.
- engine
Specify the validation engine to use. Options are "imjv" (the default; which uses "is-my-json-valid") and "ajv" (Another JSON Schema Validator). The latter supports more recent json schema features.
- reference
Reference within schema to use for validating against a sub-schema instead of the full schema passed in. For example if the schema has a 'definitions' list including a definition for a 'Hello' object, one could pass "#/definitions/Hello" and the validator would check that the json is a valid "Hello" object. Only available if
engine = "ajv"
.- strict
Set whether the schema should be parsed strictly or not. If in strict mode schemas will error to "prevent any unexpected behaviours or silently ignored mistakes in user schema". For example it will error if encounters unknown formats or unknown keywords. See for details. Only available in
engine = "ajv"
A function that can be used to validate a
schema. Additionally, the function has two attributes assigned:
which is the JavaScript context (used internally) and
, which contains the name of the engine used.
Validation Engines
We support two different json validation engines, imjv
("is-my-json-valid") and ajv
("Another JSON
Validator"). imjv
was the original validator included in
the package and remains the default for reasons of backward
compatibility. However, users are encouraged to migrate to
as with it we support many more features, including
nested schemas that span multiple files, meta schema versions
later than draft-04, validating using a subschema, and
validating a subset of an input data object.
If your schema uses these features we will print a message to
screen indicating that you should update when running
interactively. We do not use a warning here as this will be
disruptive to users. You can disable the message by setting the
option jsonvalidate.no_note_imjv
. Consider using
(or simply suppressMessages()
) to
scope this option if you want to quieten it within code you do
not control. Alternatively, setting the option
will print the message
even non-interactively.
Updating the engine should be simply a case of adding engine = "ajv"
to your json_validator
or json_validate
calls, but you may see some issues when doing so.
Your json now fails validation: We've seen this where schemas spanned several files and are silently ignored. By including these, your data may now fail validation and you will need to either fix the data or the schema.
Your code depended on the exact payload returned by
: If you are inspecting the error result and checking numbers of errors, or even the columns used to describe the errors, you will likely need to update your code to accommodate the slightly different format ofajv
Your schema is simply invalid: If you reference an invalid metaschema for example, jsonvalidate will fail
Using multiple files
Multiple files are supported. You can have a schema that references
a file child.json
using {"$ref": "child.json"}
βin this case if
includes an id
or $id
element it will be silently
dropped and the filename used to reference the schema will be used
as the schema id.
The support is currently quite limited - it will not (yet) read
sub-child schemas relative to child schema $id
url, and
does not support reading from URLs (only local files are
# A simple schema example:
schema <- '{
"$schema": "",
"title": "Product",
"description": "A product from Acme\'s catalog",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The unique identifier for a product",
"type": "integer"
"name": {
"description": "Name of the product",
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0,
"exclusiveMinimum": true
"tags": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"minItems": 1,
"uniqueItems": true
"required": ["id", "name", "price"]
# Create a validator function
v <- jsonvalidate::json_validator(schema)
# Test if some (invalid) json conforms to the schema
v("{}", verbose = TRUE)
#> [1] FALSE
#> attr(,"errors")
#> field message
#> 1 is required
#> 2 is required
#> 3 data.price is required
# Test if some (valid) json conforms to the schema
"id": 1,
"name": "A green door",
"price": 12.50,
"tags": ["home", "green"]
#> [1] TRUE
# Using features from draft-06 or draft-07 requires the ajv engine:
schema <- "{
'$schema': '',
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'a': {
'const': 'foo'
# Create the validator
v <- jsonvalidate::json_validator(schema, engine = "ajv")
# This confirms to the schema
v('{"a": "foo"}')
#> [1] TRUE
# But this does not
v('{"a": "bar"}')
#> [1] FALSE