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Define which parts of a zip file should be converted via which functions.





Named arguments with bare function names.


A specification of imports which is necessary for jst_import_zip().


The function accepts the following names: article, book, report, pamphlet, ngram1, ngram2, ngram3. The corresponding files from a .zip-archive will be imported via the supplied functions.


# articles will be imported via `jst_get_article()` and `jst_get_authors()`
jst_define_import(article = c(jst_get_article, jst_get_authors))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   meta_type       fun_names evaled_funs  bare_funs                          
#>   <chr>           <list>    <named list> <quos>                             
#> 1 journal_article <chr [2]> <list [2]>   c(jst_get_article, jst_get_authors)

# define a specification for importing article metadata and unigrams (ngram1)
jst_define_import(article = jst_get_article,
                  ngram1 = jst_get_ngram)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   meta_type       fun_names evaled_funs  bare_funs      
#>   <chr>           <list>    <named list> <quos>         
#> 1 journal_article <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_article
#> 2 ngram1          <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_ngram  
# import all four types with one function each
jst_define_import(article = jst_get_article,
                  book = jst_get_book,
                  report = jst_get_book,
                  pamphlet = jst_get_article)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   meta_type       fun_names evaled_funs  bare_funs      
#>   <chr>           <list>    <named list> <quos>         
#> 1 journal_article <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_article
#> 2 book_chapter    <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_book   
#> 3 research_report <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_book   
#> 4 pamphlet        <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_article
# import all four types with multiple functions
jst_define_import(article = c(jst_get_article, jst_get_authors, jst_get_references),
                  book = c(jst_get_book, jst_get_chapters),
                  report = jst_get_book,
                  pamphlet = jst_get_article)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   meta_type       fun_names evaled_funs  bare_funs                              
#>   <chr>           <list>    <named list> <quos>                                 
#> 1 journal_article <chr [3]> <list [3]>   c(jst_get_article, jst_get_authors, js…
#> 2 book_chapter    <chr [2]> <list [2]>   c(jst_get_book, jst_get_chapters)     …
#> 3 research_report <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_book                          …
#> 4 pamphlet        <chr [1]> <fn>         jst_get_article                       …

# if you want to import chapters with authors, you can use an anonymous
# function

chapters_w_authors <- function(x) jst_get_chapters(x, authors = TRUE)
jst_define_import(book = chapters_w_authors)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   meta_type    fun_names evaled_funs  bare_funs         
#>   <chr>        <list>    <named list> <quos>            
#> 1 book_chapter <chr [1]> <fn>         chapters_w_authors

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# define imports
imports <- jst_define_import(article = c(jst_get_article, jst_get_authors))

# convert the files to .csv
jst_import_zip("", out_file = "my_out_file", 
                 import_spec = imports)
} # }