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Download most recent or display cached version of data on journals.


jst_get_journal_overview(most_recent = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)



Should the most recent version be downloaded from DfR? (Currently disabled due to changes on the JSTOR-servers).


Should status messages about the download be printed?


A tibble with various information about journals.


When analysing your sample of articles from DfR, it might be helpful to have some context about the journals in your sample. This function provides a tibble with various information like the full name of the journal, the short version of the name (sometimes referred to as JCODE), dates on where the first and last (available) issues were published, etc.

The data on journals might change. Therefore this function provides two sources of data: a cached version which gets updated with every release, and the ability to pull the most recent version directly from DfR (this had to be temporarily disabled.)

The cached version was updated on 2020-04-03.


# use the function without arguments to get a tibble from disk
#> # A tibble: 4,359 × 13
#>    title  journal_id issn  eissn doi   url   discipline publisher coverage_range
#>    <chr>  <chr>      <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>      <chr>     <chr>         
#>  1 14th … 14centeng… 0737… NA    10.2… http… Humanitie… Penn Sta… 1974-1983     
#>  2 19th-… 19thcentu… 0148… 1533… 10.2… http… Arts ; Mu… Universi… 1977-2016     
#>  3 291    291        1054… NA    10.2… http… Art & Art… Thomas J… 1915-1916     
#>  4 4S Re… 4sreview   0738… NA    10.2… http… History ;… Sage Pub… 1972-1985     
#>  5 AA Fi… aafiles    0261… NA    10.2… http… Architect… Architec… 1981-2017     
#>  6 AAA: … aaaarbean… 0171… NA    10.2… http… American … Narr Fra… 1976-2018     
#>  7 AATSE… aatseeljo… 2325… 2379… 10.2… http… Area Stud… American… 1945-1956     
#>  8 AAUP … aaupbulle… 0001… NA    10.2… http… Education… American… 1915-1978     
#>  9 A.A.V… aavnewsle… 2154… NA    10.2… http… Biologica… Associat… 1980-1986     
#> 10 AAV T… aavtoday   0892… NA    10.2… http… Biologica… Associat… 1980-1988     
#> # ℹ 4,349 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: oclc_catalog_identifier <chr>,
#> #   lccn_catalog_identifier <chr>, archive_release_date <chr>,
#> #   collections <chr>

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# download the most recent version from DfR
jst_get_journal_overview(most_recent = TRUE)
} # }