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This function creates a series of circular buffers around spatial points and computes the frequency of each value of a raster within the buffers; the results are printed in a data.frame.


  max_width = NULL,
  rel_freq = FALSE,
  fun = NULL,
  point_id_text = TRUE,



Raster* object


Point(s) represented by a two-column matrix or data.frame; SpatialPoints*; SpatialPolygons*; SpatialLines; Extent; a numeric vector representing cell numbers; or sf* POINT object.


Buffer widths in which the frequency of landscape values is measured. It might be either a single value or a vector of buffer sizes, if max_width = NULL (default). If a value if provided for max_width, a series of buffer sizes is created, from buffer_width to max_width, with increases of buffer_width.


Maximum distance to which buffer_width is summed up. If NULL, buffer_width is interpreted as a series of buffer widths.


Logical. If TRUE, the relative frequency of raster values is also returned, besides the absolute frequency. Ignored if fun is provided.


Function to apply to raster values within the buffer (e.g. "median", "mean").


Logical. If TRUE, the string "Point ID:" is added to the first column of the output.


additional arguments (none implemented)


A tibble with the frequency of each raster value within the buffers of different sizes around each point. Alternatively, a tibble with the relative frequency of raster values, if rel_freq = TRUE, or a function from the raster values, if fun is provided.


# create single point
new_point = matrix(c(75,75), ncol = 2)

# show landscape and point of interest
show_landscape(classified_landscape, discrete = TRUE) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = data.frame(x = new_point[,1], y = new_point[,2]),
                    ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
                    col = "grey", size = 3)

# extract frequency of each pixel value within each buffer from 10 to 50 m width
util_extract_multibuffer(classified_landscape, new_point, 10, 50)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 4
#>    id          layer  freq buffer
#>    <chr>       <fct> <int>  <dbl>
#>  1 Point ID: 1 1        80     10
#>  2 Point ID: 1 2       236     10
#>  3 Point ID: 1 1       292     20
#>  4 Point ID: 1 2       964     20
#>  5 Point ID: 1 3         8     20
#>  6 Point ID: 1 1       484     30
#>  7 Point ID: 1 2      1898     30
#>  8 Point ID: 1 3       446     30
#>  9 Point ID: 1 1       825     40
#> 10 Point ID: 1 2      2810     40
#> 11 Point ID: 1 3      1389     40
#> 12 Point ID: 1 1      1362     50
#> 13 Point ID: 1 2      3750     50
#> 14 Point ID: 1 3      2748     50
# use irregular buffer sizes
util_extract_multibuffer(classified_landscape, new_point, c(5, 10, 20, 30))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    id          layer  freq buffer
#>    <chr>       <fct> <int>  <dbl>
#>  1 Point ID: 1 1        19      5
#>  2 Point ID: 1 2        61      5
#>  3 Point ID: 1 1        80     10
#>  4 Point ID: 1 2       236     10
#>  5 Point ID: 1 1       292     20
#>  6 Point ID: 1 2       964     20
#>  7 Point ID: 1 3         8     20
#>  8 Point ID: 1 1       484     30
#>  9 Point ID: 1 2      1898     30
#> 10 Point ID: 1 3       446     30
# also returns relative frequency
util_extract_multibuffer(classified_landscape, new_point, 10, 50, rel_freq = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 5
#>    id          layer  freq rel_freq buffer
#>    <chr>       <fct> <int>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 Point ID: 1 1        80  0.253       10
#>  2 Point ID: 1 2       236  0.747       10
#>  3 Point ID: 1 1       292  0.231       20
#>  4 Point ID: 1 2       964  0.763       20
#>  5 Point ID: 1 3         8  0.00633     20
#>  6 Point ID: 1 1       484  0.171       30
#>  7 Point ID: 1 2      1898  0.671       30
#>  8 Point ID: 1 3       446  0.158       30
#>  9 Point ID: 1 1       825  0.164       40
#> 10 Point ID: 1 2      2810  0.559       40
#> 11 Point ID: 1 3      1389  0.276       40
#> 12 Point ID: 1 1      1362  0.173       50
#> 13 Point ID: 1 2      3750  0.477       50
#> 14 Point ID: 1 3      2748  0.350       50
# use a given function - e.g. median in each buffer width
util_extract_multibuffer(classified_landscape, new_point, 10, 50, fun = "median")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#>   id          layer median buffer
#>   <chr>       <fct>  <int>  <dbl>
#> 1 Point ID: 1 2          1     10
#> 2 Point ID: 1 2          1     20
#> 3 Point ID: 1 2          1     30
#> 4 Point ID: 1 2          1     40
#> 5 Point ID: 1 2          1     50

# show multiple points share
new_points = matrix(c(75, 110, 75, 30), ncol = 2)
util_extract_multibuffer(classified_landscape, new_points, c(5, 10, 20, 30))
#> # A tibble: 24 × 4
#>    id          layer  freq buffer
#>    <chr>       <fct> <int>  <dbl>
#>  1 Point ID: 1 1        19      5
#>  2 Point ID: 2 1         7      5
#>  3 Point ID: 1 2        61      5
#>  4 Point ID: 2 2        68      5
#>  5 Point ID: 1 3         0      5
#>  6 Point ID: 2 3         5      5
#>  7 Point ID: 1 1        80     10
#>  8 Point ID: 2 1        38     10
#>  9 Point ID: 1 2       236     10
#> 10 Point ID: 2 2       266     10
#> # ℹ 14 more rows