This function does nothing. It is intended to inherit is parameters' documentation.
This function does nothing. It is intended to inherit is parameters' documentation.
- beast2_folder
the folder where the BEAST2 is installed. Note that this is not the folder where the BEAST2 executable is installed: the BEAST2 executable is in a subfolder. Use get_default_beast2_folder to get the default BEAST2 folder. Use get_default_beast2_bin_path to get the full path to the default BEAST2 executable. Use get_default_beast2_jar_path to get the full path to the default BEAST2 jar file.
- has_internet
boolean to indicate if the user has access to the internet. By default, this value equals the result of
- name
the package's name
- show_warnings
set to TRUE to show warnings
- verbose
set to TRUE for extra output, as can be used in debugging