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Convert data to WKT


mr_as_wkt(x, fmt = 16, ...)



Output from mr_geojson(), mr_shp(), or a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame


(integer) The number of digits to display after the decimal point when formatting coordinates. Ignored when shp files or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame passed in


Further args passed on to jsonlite::fromJSON() only in the event of json passed as a character string. Ignored when shp files or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame passed in


a character string of WKT data


WKT, or Well Known Text, is a way to encode spatial data. It's somewhat similar to GeoJSON, but instead of being in JSON format, it's a character string (though can also be encoded in binary format). WKT is often used in SQL databases, and many species occurrence APIs allow only WKT. You could do the conversion to WKT yourself, but we provide as_wkt as a convenience


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
res <- mr_geojson(key = "Morocco:dam")

# shp files
## path to wkt
mr_as_wkt(mr_shp(key = "Morocco:dam", read = FALSE))

## spatial object to wkt
mr_as_wkt(mr_shp(key = "Morocco:dam", read = TRUE))
} # }