Conversion table provided by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission
The table contains population, area and surface flows between two NUTS regions and different NUTS code classifications. NUTS regions are at 1st, 2nd and 3rd level. NUTS versions are 2006, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2021.
A data frame with 47,340 rows and 9 columns:
- from_code
Departing NUTS code
- to_code
Desired NUTS code
- from_version
Departing NUTS version
- to_version
Desired NUTS version
- level
NUTS division level
- country
Country name
- areaKm
Area size flow
- pop18
2018 population flow
- pop11
2011 population flow
- artif_surf18
2018 artificial surfaces flow
- artif_surf12
2012 artificial surfaces flow