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nuts_test_multiple_versions is called from either nuts_convert_version or nuts_aggregate to selects the most frequent version within groups or throw an error.


nuts_test_multiple_versions(group_vars, multiple_versions, data_versions, data)



Variable name(s) for classification within groups. Always computes overlap within country. NULL by default.


By default equal to 'error', when providing multiple NUTS versions within groups.


Data versions


A nuts.classified object returned by nuts_classify().


A tibble containing NUTS codes, the potential number of rows dropped and a message with the results of the test.


df <- manure %>%
  filter(nchar(geo) == 5) %>%
  select(geo, indic_ag, values) %>%
  distinct(geo,  .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  nuts_classify(nuts_code = "geo",
                group_vars = "indic_ag",
                data = .)
#> ── Classifying version of NUTS codes ───────────────────────────────────────────
#> Within groups defined by country and indic_ag:
#> ! These NUTS codes cannot be identified or classified: ME000, NOZZZ, and SIZZZ.
#>  Multiple NUTS versions classified. See the tibble 'versions_data' in the
#>   output.
#>  Missing NUTS codes detected. See the tibble 'missing_data' in the output.

nuts_test_multiple_versions(group_vars = "indic_ag",
                            multiple_versions = "most_frequent",
                            data_versions = df$versions_data,
                            data = df$data)
#> $data
#> # A tibble: 282 × 8
#>    from_code from_version from_level country.x indic_ag   values country.y
#>    <chr>     <chr>             <dbl> <chr>     <chr>       <dbl> <chr>    
#>  1 AT111     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y    270 Austria  
#>  2 AT112     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y    455 Austria  
#>  3 AT113     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y   1385 Austria  
#>  4 AT121     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y   6485 Austria  
#>  5 AT122     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y   2988 Austria  
#>  6 AT123     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y   1799 Austria  
#>  7 AT124     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y   5668 Austria  
#>  8 AT125     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y    848 Austria  
#>  9 AT126     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y    979 Austria  
#> 10 AT127     2021                  3 Austria   I07A1_EQ_Y    483 Austria  
#> # ℹ 272 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: overlap_perc <dbl>
#> $n_rows_dropped
#> [1] 739
#> $message_multiple_versions
#>                                                                                                   ! 
#> "{.blue Choosing most frequent version within group and {.red dropping} {n_rows_dropped} row{?s}.}" 