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Get or set preferences for the logged-in user


osm_get_preferences_user(key, format = c("R", "xml", "json"))

osm_set_preferences_user(key, value, all_prefs)



Returns a string with this preference's value. If missing, return all preferences.


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default), "xml", or "json". Only relevant when key is missing.


A string with the preference value to set for key. If NULL, deletes the key preference.


A data.frame, xml_document or a json list following the format returned by osm_get_preferences_user(). Also, a path to an xml file describing the user preferences. All existing preferences are replaced by the newly uploaded set.


If format = "R", returns a data frame with key and value columns of the user preferences.

format = "xml"

Returns a xml2::xml_document with the following format:

<osm version="0.6" generator="OpenStreetMap server">
        <preference k="somekey" v="somevalue" />

format = "json"

Returns a list with the following json structure:

 "version": "0.6",
 "generator": "OpenStreetMap server",
 "preferences": {"somekey": "somevalue, ...}

Set preferences

Nothing is returned upon successful setting of user preferences.


The sizes of the key and value are limited to 255 characters.

The OSM server supports storing arbitrary user preferences. This can be used by editors, for example, to offer the same configuration wherever the user logs in, instead of a locally-stored configuration. For an overview of applications using the preferences-API and which key-schemes they use, see this wiki page.

See also

Other users' functions: osm_details_logged_user(), osm_get_user_details()


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
prefs_ori <- osm_get_preferences_user()

osm_set_preferences_user(key = "osmapiR-test", value = "good!")
osm_get_preferences_user(key = "osmapiR-test")

osm_set_preferences_user(key = "osmapiR-test", value = NULL) # Delete pref

## Restore all preferences
osm_set_preferences_user(all_prefs = prefs_ori)
} # }