is a helper function used for manually creating
objects from nested lists. The function
recursively assigns the necessary 'midpoint', 'members', and
'leaf' attributes at each node.
returns a nested list, or an object of class "dendrogram"
depending on the class of the input object.
## manually create a small dendrogram with three members, A, B and C
x <- list("A", list("B", "C"))
attr(x[[1]], "leaf") <- TRUE
attr(x[[2]][[1]], "leaf") <- TRUE
attr(x[[2]][[2]], "leaf") <- TRUE
attr(x[[1]], "label") <- "A"
attr(x[[2]][[1]], "label") <- "B"
attr(x[[2]][[2]], "label") <- "C"
attr(x, "height") <- 1
attr(x[[1]], "height") <- 0
attr(x[[2]], "height") <- 0.5
attr(x[[2]][[1]], "height") <- 0
attr(x[[2]][[2]], "height") <- 0
x <- remidpoint(x)
class(x) <- "dendrogram"
plot(x, horiz = TRUE)