ramlegacy: download, cache and read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database
ramlegacy contains functions to download, cache and read in specified tables from the excel version of the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database, an online compilation of stock assessment results for commercially exploited marine populations from around the world. More information about the database can be found at <https://ramlegacy.org/>.
Description of the dataframes present in the database
metadata: Table with summarized metadata (only available in newer versions starting from v4.40)
stock: This stores the stock database table
assessment: This stores the assessment database table
taxonomy: This stores the taxonomy database table
management: This stores the management database table
assessor: This stores the assessor database table
assessmetod: This stores the assessmetod database table
area: This stores the area database table
biometrics: This stores the biometrics database table
tsmetrics: This stores the tsmetrics database table
timeseries: The time series data is a matrix object with the following headers/columns: (1) assessid (2) stockid (3) stocklong (4) tsid (5) tsyear (6) tsvalue
bioparams: The parameter data is a matrix object with the following headers/columns: (1) assessid (2) stockid (3) stocklong (4) bioid (5) biovalue (6) bioyear (7) bionotes
timeseries_values_views: This stores the timeseries values with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
timeseries_units_views: This stores the timeseries values with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
timeseries_ids_views: This stores the timeseries IDs with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
timeseries_assessments_views: This stores the timeseries assessments with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
timeseries_notes_views: This stores the timeseries notes with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
timeseries_sources_views: This stores the timeseries sources with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
timeseries_years_views: This stores the timeseries years with timeseries type along the columns and stocks along the rows
bioparams_values_views: This stores the reference point values, with reference point type along the columns and stocks along the rows
bioparams_units_views: This stores the reference point units, with reference point type along the columns and stocks along the rows
bioparams_ids_views: This stores the reference point IDs, with reference point type along the columns and stocks along the rows
bioparams_assessments_views: This stores the reference point assessments, with reference point type along the columns and stocks along the rows
bioparams_sources_views: This stores the reference point sources, with reference point type along the columns and stocks along the rows
bioparams_notes_views: This stores the reference point notes, with reference point type along the columns and stocks along the rows
Newer versions (v4.40 onwards) also contains tables of individual most-used time series
tb.data: Total Biomass
ssb.data: Spawning Stock Biomass
tn.data: Total Abundance
r.data: Recruits
tc.data: Total Catch
tl.data: Total Landings
recc.data: Recreational Catch
f.data: Fishing Mortality
er.data: Exploitation Rate
divtb.data: TB/TBmsy
divssb.data: SSB/SSBmsy
ivf.data: F/Fmsy
diver.data: ER/ERmsy
divbpref.data: B/Bmsypref
divupref.data: U/Umsypref
tbbest.data: TBbest
tcbest.data: TCbest
erbest.data: ERbest
divtb.mgt.data: TB/TBmgt
divssb.mgt.data: SSB/SSBmgt
divf.mgt.data: F/Fmgt
diver.mgt.data: ER/ERmgt
divbpref.mgt.data: B/Bmgtpref
divupref.mgt.data: U/Umgtpref
cpair.data: Cpair
tac.data: TAC
cadv.data: Cadvised
survb.data: survB
cpue.data: CPUE
effort.data: EFFORT
Ricard, D., Minto, C., Jensen, O.P. and Baum, J.K. (2012) Evaluating the knowledge base and status of commercially exploited marine species with the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database. Fish and Fisheries 13 (4) 380-398. <doi:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2011.00435.x>
Maintainer: Kshitiz Gupta kshtzgupta1@berkeley.edu [copyright holder]
Carl Boettiger cboettig@gmail.com (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1642-628X) [copyright holder]
Other contributors:
Sam Albers sam.albers@gmail.com (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9270-7884) [reviewer]
Jamie Afflerbach afflerbach@nceas.ucsb.edu (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5215-9342) [reviewer]
RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database [data contributor]