DataCite REST API: reports
ids = NULL,
platform = NULL,
report_name = NULL,
report_id = NULL,
release = NULL,
created = NULL,
created_by = NULL,
include = NULL,
limit = 25,
page = 1,
- ids
(character) one or more report IDs
- platform
(character) Name of the Platform the usage is being requested for. This can be omitted if the service provides usage for only one platform.
- report_name
(character) The long name of the report
- report_id
(character) The report ID or code or shortname. Typically this will be the same code provided in the Report parameter of the request
- release
(character) The release or version of the report
- created
(character) Time the report was prepared. Format as defined by date-time - RFC3339
- created_by
(character) Name of the organization producing the report
- include
(character) vector of fields to return
- limit
(numeric/integer) results per page
- page
(numeric/integer) result page, the record to start at
- ...
curl options passed on to crul::HttpClient
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (dc_check()) {
x <- dc_reports()
dc_reports(created = "2019-08-01T07:00:00.000Z")
dc_reports(created_by = "urn:node:GOA")
dc_reports(limit = 3)
# dc_reports(ids = x$reports$id[1:3]) # FIXME: doesn't work
}} # }