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This function fetches the catalogue of monitoring stations from DEFRA's website.


  site_name = "",
  pollutant = 9999,
  group_id = 9999,
  closed = "true",
  country_id = 9999,
  region_id = 9999,
  location_type = 9999



This is the name of a specific site. By default this is left blank to get info on all the available sites.


This is a number from 1 to 10. Default is 9999, which means all the pollutants.


This is the identification number of a group of stations. Default is 9999 which means all available networks.


This is "true" to include closed stations, "false" otherwise.


This is the identification number of the country, it can be a number from 1 to 6. Default is 9999, which means all the countries.


This is the identification number of the region. 1 = Aberdeen City, etc. (for the full list see Default is 9999, which means all the local authorities.


This is the identification number of the location type. Default is 9999, which means all the location types.


A dataframe listing stations and related information.


The argument Pollutant is defined based on the following convention:

  • 1 = Ozone (O3)

  • 2 = Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

  • 3 = Carbon monoxide (CO)

  • 4 = Sulphur dioxide (SO2)

  • 5 = Particulate Matter (PM10)

  • 6 = Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

  • 7 = PAHs

  • 8 = Metals in PM10

  • 9 = Benzene

  • 10 = Black Carbon

The argument group_id is defined based on the following convention:

  • 1 = UKEAP: Precip-Net

  • 2 = Air Quality Strategy Pollutants

  • 3 = Ammonia and Nitric Acid

  • 4 = Automatic Urban and Rural Monitoring Network (AURN)

  • 5 = Dioxins and Furans

  • 6 = Black Smoke & SO2

  • 7 = Automatic Hydrocarbon Network

  • 8 = Heavy Metals

  • 9 = Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tube

  • 10 = PAH Andersen

  • 11 = Particle Size Composition

  • 12 = PCBs

  • 13 = TOMPs

  • 14 = Non-Automatic Hydrocarbon Network

  • 15 = 1,3-Butadiene Diffusion Tube

  • 16 = Black Carbon

  • 17 = Automatic Urban and Rural Monitoring Network (AURN)

  • 18 = Defra NO2 Diffusion Tube

  • 19 = PAH Digitel (solid phase)

  • 20 = PAH Digitel (solid+vapour)

  • 21 = PAH Deposition

  • 22 = Particle size and number

  • 23 = Rural Automatic Mercury network

  • 24 = Urban Sulphate

  • 25 = UKEAP: Rural NO2

  • 26 = Automatic Urban and Rural Monitoring Network (AURN)

  • 27 = UKEAP: National Ammonia Monitoring Network

  • 28 = UKEAP: Acid Gases & Aerosol Network

  • 29 = Particle Speciation (MARGA)

  • 30 = UKEAP: Historic Aerosol measurements

The argument country_id is defined based on the following convention:

  • 1 = England

  • 2 = Wales

  • 3 = Scotland

  • 4 = Northern Ireland

  • 5 = Republic of Ireland

  • 6 = Channel Islands


 if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 stations <- ukair_catalogue()
 } # }