Interface to Integrated Taxonomic Information (ITIS)
ritis package API
All functions that start with itis_
work with the ITIS Solr
API described at,
which uses the package solrium, and these functions have you
use the solrium function interfaces, so you can pass on parameters
to the solrium functions - so the solrium docs are important
All other functions work with the ITIS REST API described at For these methods, they can grab data in either JSON or XML format. JSON is the default. We parse the JSON to R native format, either data.frame, character string, or list. You can get raw JSON as a character string back, or raw XML as a character string, and then parse yourself with jsonlite or xml2
You'll also be interested in the taxize book
"mononomial": a taxonomic name with one part, e.g, Poa
"binomial": a taxonomic name with two parts, e.g, Poa annua
"trinomial": a taxonomic name with three parts, e.g, Poa annua annua
Scott Chamberlain