Get ITIS terms, i.e., tsn's, authors, common names, and scientific names
- query
One or more common or scientific names, or partial names
- what
One of both (search common and scientific names), common (search just common names), or scientific (search just scientific names)
- wt
(character) One of "json" or "xml". Required.
- raw
(logical) Return raw JSON or XML as character string. Required. Default:
- ...
curl options passed on to crul::HttpClient
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get terms searching both common and scientific names
# Get terms searching just common names
terms(query='tarweed', "common")
# Get terms searching just scientific names
terms(query='Poa annua', "scientific")
# many at once
terms(query=c('Poa annua', 'Pinus contorta'), "scientific")
} # }