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Generate a Nix expression that builds a reproducible development environment


  r_ver = NULL,
  date = NULL,
  r_pkgs = NULL,
  system_pkgs = NULL,
  git_pkgs = NULL,
  local_r_pkgs = NULL,
  tex_pkgs = NULL,
  py_pkgs = NULL,
  ide = "none",
  overwrite = FALSE,
  print = FALSE,
  message_type = "simple",
  shell_hook = NULL,
  ignore_remotes_cache = FALSE



Character. The required R version, for example "4.0.0". You can check which R versions are available using available_r(), and for more details check available_df(). For reproducibility purposes, you can also provide a nixpkgs revision directly. For older versions of R, nix-build might fail with an error stating 'this derivation is not meant to be built'. In this case, simply drop into the shell with nix-shell instead of building it first. It is also possible to provide either "bleeding-edge" or "frozen-edge" if you need an environment with bleeding edge packages. Read more in the "Details" section below.


Character. Instead of providing r_ver, it is also possible to provide a date. This will build an environment containing R and R packages (and other dependencies) as of that date. You can check which dates are available with available_dates(). For more details about versions check available_df().


Vector of characters. List the required R packages for your analysis here.


Vector of characters. List further software you wish to install that are not R packages such as command line applications for example. You can look for available software on the NixOS website


List. A list of packages to install from Git. See details for more information.


List. A list of local packages to install. These packages need to be in the .tar.gz or .zip formats and must be in the same folder as the generated "default.nix" file.


Vector of characters. A set of TeX packages to install. Use this if you need to compile .tex documents, or build PDF documents using Quarto. If you don't know which package to add, start by adding "amsmath". See the vignette("d2- installing-system-tools-and-texlive-packages-in-a-nix-environment") for more details.


List. A list of two elements, py_version and py_pkgs. py_version must be of the form "3.12" for Python 3.12 and py_pkgs must be an atomic vector of packages names, for example py_pkgs = c("polars", "plotnine", "great-tables").


Character, defaults to "none". If you wish to use RStudio to work interactively use "rstudio" or "rserver" for the server version. Use "code" for Visual Studio Code or "codium" for Codium, or "positron" for Positron. You can also use "radian", an interactive REPL. This will install a project-specific version of the chosen editor which will be differrent than the one already present in your system (if any). For other editors or if you want to use an editor already installed on your system (which will require some configuration to make it work seamlessly with Nix shells see the vignette("e-configuring-ide") for configuration examples), use "none". Please be aware that VS Code and Positron are not free software. To facilitate their installation, rix() automatically enables a required setting without prompting the user for confirmation. See the "Details" section below for more information.


Character, where to write default.nix, for example "/home/path/to/project". The file will thus be written to the file "/home/path/to/project/default.nix". If the folder does not exist, it will be created.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, overwrite the default.nix file in the specified path.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, print default.nix to console.


Character. Message type, defaults to "simple", which gives minimal but sufficient feedback. Other values are currently "quiet, which generates the files without message, and "verbose", displays all the messages.


Character of length 1, defaults to NULL. Commands added to the shellHook variable are executed when the Nix shell starts. So by default, using nix-shell default.nix will start a specific program, possibly with flags (separated by space), and/or do shell actions. You can for example use shell_hook = R, if you want to directly enter the declared Nix R session when dropping into the Nix shell.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. This variable is only needed when adding packages from GitHub with remote dependencies, it can be ignored otherwise. If TRUE, the cache of already processed GitHub remotes will be ignored and all packages will be processed. If FALSE, the cache will be used to skip already processed packages, which makes use of fewer API calls. Setting this argument to TRUE can be useful for debugging.


Nothing, this function only has the side-effect of writing two files: default.nix and .Rprofile in the working directory. default.nix contains a Nix expression to build a reproducible environment using the Nix package manager, and .Rprofile ensures that a running R session from a Nix environment cannot access local libraries, nor install packages using install.packages() (nor remove nor update them).


This function will write a default.nix and an .Rprofile in the chosen path. Using the Nix package manager, it is then possible to build a reproducible development environment using the nix-build command in the path. This environment will contain the chosen version of R and packages, and will not interfere with any other installed version (via Nix or not) on your machine. Every dependency, including both R package dependencies but also system dependencies like compilers will get installed as well in that environment.

It is possible to use environments built with Nix interactively, either from the terminal, or using an interface such as RStudio. If you want to use RStudio, set the ide argument to "rstudio". Please be aware that for macOS, RStudio is only available starting from R version 4.4.3 or from the 2025-02-28. As such, you may want to use another editor on macOS if you need to use an environment with an older version of R. To use Visual Studio Code (or Codium), set the ide argument to "code" or "codium" respectively, which will add the {languageserver} R package to the list of R packages to be installed by Nix in that environment. It is also possible to use Positron by setting the ide argument to "positron". Setting the ide argument to an editor will install it from Nix, meaning that each of your projects can have a dedicated IDE (or IDE version). "radian" and "rserver" are also options.

Instead of using Nix to install an IDE, you can also simply use the one you have already installed on your system, with the exception of RStudio which must be managed by Nix to "see" Nix environments. Positron must also be heavily configured to work with Nix shells, so we recommend installing it using Nix. To use an editor that you already have installed on your system, set ide = "none" and refer to the vignette("e-configuring-ide") for more details on how to set up your editor to work with Nix shells.

Packages to install from GitHub or Gitlab must be provided in a list of 3 elements: "package_name", "repo_url" and "commit". To install several packages, provide a list of lists of these 3 elements, one per package to install. It is also possible to install old versions of packages by specifying a version. For example, to install the latest version of {AER} but an old version of {ggplot2}, you could write: r_pkgs = c("AER", "ggplot2@2.2.1"). Note however that doing this could result in dependency hell, because an older version of a package might need older versions of its dependencies, but other packages might need more recent versions of the same dependencies. If instead you want to use an environment as it would have looked at the time of {ggplot2}'s version 2.2.1 release, then use the Nix revision closest to that date, by setting r_ver = "3.1.0", which was the version of R current at the time. This ensures that Nix builds a completely coherent environment. For security purposes, users that wish to install packages from GitHub/GitLab or from the CRAN archives must provide a security hash for each package. {rix} automatically precomputes this hash for the source directory of R packages from GitHub/Gitlab or from the CRAN archives, to make sure the expected trusted sources that match the precomputed hashes in the default.nix are downloaded, but only if Nix is installed. If you need to generate an expression with such packages, but are working on a system where you can't install Nix, consider generating the expression using a continuous integration service, such as GitHub Actions.

Note that installing packages from Git or old versions using the "@" notation or local packages, does not leverage Nix's capabilities for dependency solving. As such, you might have trouble installing these packages. If that is the case, open an issue on {rix}'s GitHub repository.

If GitHub packages have dependencies on GitHub as well, {rix} will attempt to generate the correct expression, but we highly recommend you read the vignette("z-advanced-topic-handling-packages-with-remote-dependencies") Vignette.

By default, the Nix shell will be configured with "en_US.UTF-8" for the relevant locale variables (LANG, LC_ALL, LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY, LC_PAPER, LC_MEASUREMENT). This is done to ensure locale reproducibility by default in Nix environments created with rix(). If there are good reasons to not stick to the default, you can set your preferred locale variables via options(rix.nix_locale_variables = list(LANG = "de_CH.UTF-8", <...>) and the aforementioned locale variable names.

It is possible to use "bleeding-edge" or "frozen-edge" as the value for the r_ver argument. This will create an environment with the very latest R packages. "bleeding-edge" means that every time you will build the environment, the packages will get updated. This is especially useful for environments that need to be constantly updated, for example when developing a package. In contrast, "frozen-edge" will create an environment that will remain stable at build time. So if you create a default.nix file using "bleeding-edge", each time you build it using nix-build that environment will be up-to-date. With "frozen-edge" that environment will be up-to-date on the date that the default.nix will be generated, and then each subsequent call to nix-build will result in the same environment. "bioc-devel" is the same as "bleeding-edge", but also adds the development version of Bioconductor. "r-devel" is the same as bleeding edge, but with the R development version instead of the latest stable version and "r-devel-bioc-devel" is the same as "r-devel" but with Bioconductor on the development version. We highly recommend you read the vignette titled "z - Advanced topic: Understanding the rPackages set release cycle and using bleeding edge packages".


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Build an environment with the latest version of R available from Nixpkgs
# and the dplyr and ggplot2 packages
  r_ver = "latest-upstream",
  r_pkgs = c("dplyr", "ggplot2"),
  system_pkgs = NULL,
  git_pkgs = NULL,
  local_r_pkgs = NULL,
  ide = "code",
  project_path = path_default_nix,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  print = TRUE,
  message_type = "simple",
  shell_hook = NULL,
  ignore_remotes_cache = FALSE
} # }