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Get an assessment summary for a particular kingdom


  kingdom = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  parse = TRUE,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,

  kingdom = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  all = TRUE,
  page = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,



(character) The name of the kingdom to look up. If not supplied, a list of all kingdom names will be returned.


(character) An IUCN API token. See rl_use_iucn().


(logical) Whether to parse the output to list (FALSE) or, where possible, data.frame (TRUE). Default: TRUE.


(logical) Whether to retrieve all results at once or not. If TRUE we do the paging internally for you and bind all of the results together. If FALSE, only a single page of results will be retrieved.


(integer/numeric) Page to get if all is FALSE. Default: 1. Each page returns up to 100 records. Paging is required because it's too much burden on a server to just "get all the data" in one request.


(logical) Whether to suppress progress for multi-page downloads or not. Default: FALSE (that is, give progress). Ignored if all = FALSE.


Includes the following filters that are supported by the API endpoint (refer to the API docs for more information):

  • year_published: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a given year.

  • latest: (logical) Set this to TRUE to return only the latest assessment for each taxon.

  • scope_code: (integer) Set this to return only assessments from a particular scope (e.g., 1 for Global, 2 for Europe). This is similar to the region argument of the old Red List API and old versions of rredlist.

Also includes the following arguments related to the wait time between request retries if a "Too Many Requests" error is received from the API (see HttpClient()$retry() for more details):

  • pause_base, pause_cap, and pause_min: basis, maximum, and minimum for calculating wait time for retry

  • times: the maximum number of times to retry

  • onwait: a callback function if the request will be retried and a wait time is being applied

Also supports any curl options passed to the GET request via HttpClient.


A list unless using a function with a trailing underscore, in which case json as character string is returned.


API docs at

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get assessment summary for kingdom
ex1 <- rl_kingdom(kingdom = "Fungi")
} # }