Returns storms and product link.
A 4xN dataframe
- Year
Numeric, four-digit year of the storm
- Name
Character, name of storm mixed-case
- Basin
AL (Atlantic) or EP (East Pacific)
- Link
URL to storms' product pages
To disable the progress bar set option dplyr.show_progress to FALSE.
By default returns all storms for the current year. If no storms have developed will return an empty dataframe.
# Default. Get all storms, both basins, for last year.
if (FALSE) {
storms <- get_storms(year = 2016, basin = c("AL", "EP"))
# Get storms for two different years
storms.2010 <- get_storms(c(2010, 2015))
# Get storms for two consecutive years, Atlantic basin only <- get_storms(2005:2007, basin = "AL")