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These functions retrieve raster data from STAC endpoints and optionally create composite data sets from multiple files. get_stac_data() is a generic function which should be able to download raster data from a variety of data sources, while the other helper functions have useful defaults for downloading common data sets from standard STAC sources.


  pixel_x_size = NULL,
  pixel_y_size = NULL,
  query_function = rsi_query_api,
  download_function = rsi_download_rasters,
  sign_function = NULL,
  rescale_bands = TRUE,
  item_filter_function = NULL,
  mask_band = NULL,
  mask_function = NULL,
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = c("merge", "median", "mean", "sum", "min", "max"),
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()

  pixel_x_size = 10,
  pixel_y_size = 10,
  asset_names = rsi::sentinel1_band_mapping$planetary_computer_v1,
  stac_source = attr(asset_names, "stac_source"),
  collection = attr(asset_names, "collection_name"),
  query_function = attr(asset_names, "query_function"),
  download_function = attr(asset_names, "download_function"),
  sign_function = attr(asset_names, "sign_function"),
  rescale_bands = FALSE,
  item_filter_function = NULL,
  mask_band = NULL,
  mask_function = NULL,
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = "median",
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()

  pixel_x_size = 10,
  pixel_y_size = 10,
  asset_names = rsi::sentinel2_band_mapping$planetary_computer_v1,
  stac_source = attr(asset_names, "stac_source"),
  collection = attr(asset_names, "collection_name"),
  query_function = attr(asset_names, "query_function"),
  download_function = attr(asset_names, "download_function"),
  sign_function = attr(asset_names, "sign_function"),
  rescale_bands = FALSE,
  item_filter_function = NULL,
  mask_band = attr(asset_names, "mask_band"),
  mask_function = attr(asset_names, "mask_function"),
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = "median",
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()

  platforms = c("landsat-9", "landsat-8"),
  pixel_x_size = 30,
  pixel_y_size = 30,
  asset_names = rsi::landsat_band_mapping$planetary_computer_v1,
  stac_source = attr(asset_names, "stac_source"),
  collection = attr(asset_names, "collection_name"),
  query_function = attr(asset_names, "query_function"),
  download_function = attr(asset_names, "download_function"),
  sign_function = attr(asset_names, "sign_function"),
  rescale_bands = TRUE,
  item_filter_function = landsat_platform_filter,
  mask_band = attr(asset_names, "mask_band"),
  mask_function = attr(asset_names, "mask_function"),
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = "median",
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()

  pixel_x_size = 1,
  pixel_y_size = 1,
  asset_names = "image",
  stac_source = "",
  collection = "naip",
  query_function = rsi_query_api,
  download_function = rsi_download_rasters,
  sign_function = sign_planetary_computer,
  rescale_bands = FALSE,
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = "merge",
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()

  pixel_x_size = 25,
  pixel_y_size = 25,
  asset_names = rsi::alos_palsar_band_mapping$planetary_computer_v1,
  stac_source = attr(asset_names, "stac_source"),
  collection = attr(asset_names, "collection_name"),
  query_function = attr(asset_names, "query_function"),
  download_function = attr(asset_names, "download_function"),
  sign_function = attr(asset_names, "sign_function"),
  rescale_bands = FALSE,
  item_filter_function = NULL,
  mask_band = attr(asset_names, "mask_band"),
  mask_function = attr(asset_names, "mask_function"),
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = "median",
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()

  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  pixel_x_size = 30,
  pixel_y_size = 30,
  asset_names = rsi::dem_band_mapping$planetary_computer_v1$`cop-dem-glo-30`,
  stac_source = attr(asset_names, "stac_source"),
  collection = attr(asset_names, "collection_name"),
  query_function = attr(asset_names, "query_function"),
  download_function = attr(asset_names, "download_function"),
  sign_function = attr(asset_names, "sign_function"),
  rescale_bands = FALSE,
  item_filter_function = NULL,
  mask_band = NULL,
  mask_function = NULL,
  output_filename = paste0(proceduralnames::make_english_names(1), ".tif"),
  composite_function = "max",
  limit = 999,
  gdalwarp_options = rsi_gdalwarp_options(),
  gdal_config_options = rsi_gdal_config_options()



An sf(c) object outlining the area of interest to get imagery for. Will be used to get the bounding box used for calculating metrics and the output data's CRS.

start_date, end_date

Character of length 1: The first and last date, respectively, of imagery to include in metrics calculations. Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

pixel_x_size, pixel_y_size

Numeric of length 1: size of pixels in x-direction (longitude / easting) and y-direction (latitude / northing).


The names of the assets to download. If this vector has names, then the names of the vector are assumed to be the names of assets on the STAC server, which will be renamed to the elements of the vector in the final output.


Character of length 1: the STAC URL to download imagery from.


Character of length 1: the STAC collection to download images from.


Passed to item_filter_function.


A function that takes the output from rstac::stac_search() and executes the request. See rsi_query_api() and the query_function slots of sentinel1_band_mapping, sentinel2_band_mapping, and landsat_band_mapping.


A function that takes the output from query_function and downloads the assets attached to those items. See rsi_download_rasters() for an example.


A function that takes the output from query_function and signs the item URLs, if necessary.


Logical of length 1: If the STAC collection implements the raster STAC extension, and that extension includes scale and offset values, should this function attempt to automatically rescale the downloaded data?


A function that takes the outputs of query_function (usually a STACItemCollection) and ... and returns a filtered STACItemCollection. This is used, for example, to only download images from specific Landsat platforms.


Character of length 1: The name of the asset in your STAC source to use to mask the data. Set to NULL to not mask. See the mask_band slots of sentinel1_band_mapping, sentinel2_band_mapping, and landsat_band_mapping.


A function that takes a raster and returns a boolean raster, where TRUE pixels will be preserved and FALSE or NA pixels will be masked out. See sentinel2_mask_function().


The filename to write the output raster to. If composite_function is NULL, item datetimes will be appended to this in order to create unique filenames. If items do not have datetimes, a sequential ID will be appended instead.


Character of length 1: The name of a function used to combine downloaded images into a single composite (i.e., to aggregate pixel values from multiple images into a single value). Options include "merge", which 'stamps' images on top of one another such that the "last" value downloaded for a pixel – which isn't guaranteed to be the most recent one – will be the only value used, or any of "sum", "mean", "median", "min", or "max", which consider all values available at each pixel. Set to NULL to not composite (i.e., to rescale and save each individual file independently).


an integer defining the maximum number of results to return. If not informed, it defaults to the service implementation.


Options passed to gdalwarp through the options argument of sf::gdal_utils(). The same set of options are used for all downloaded data and the final output images; this means that some common options (for instance, PREDICTOR=3) may cause errors if bands are of varying data types. The default values are provided by rsi_gdalwarp_options().


Options passed to gdalwarp through the config_options argument of sf::gdal_utils(). The default values are provided by rsi_gdal_config_options().


The names of Landsat satellites to download imagery from. These do not correspond to the platforms column in spectral_indices(); the default argument of c("landsat-9", "landsat-8") corresponds to the Landsat-OLI value in that column.


output_filename, unchanged.

Usage Tips

It's often useful to buffer your aoi object slightly, on the order of 1-2 cell widths, in order to ensure that data is downloaded for your entire AOI even after accounting for any reprojection needed to compare your AOI to the data on the STAC server.

These functions allow for parallelizing downloads via future::plan(), and for user-controlled progress updates via progressr::handlers(). If there are fewer images to download than asset_names, then this function uses lapply() to iterate through images and future.apply::future_mapply() to iterate through downloading each asset. If there are more images than assets, this function uses future.apply::future_lapply() to iterate through images.

Downloading from Planetary Computer

Certain data sets in Planetary Computer require providing a subscription key. Even for non-protected data sets, providing a subscription key grants you higher rate limits and faster downloads. As such, it's a good idea to request a Planetary Computer account, then generate a subscription key. If you set the rsi_pc_key environment variable to your key (either primary or secondary; there is no difference), rsi will automatically use this key to sign all requests against Planetary Computer.

There are currently some challenges with certain Landsat images in Planetary Computer; please see for more information on these images and their current status. These files may cause data downloads to fail.


This function can either download all data that intersects with your spatiotemporal AOI as multiple files (if composite_function = NULL), or can be used to rescale band values, apply a mask function, and create a composite from the resulting files in a single function call. Each of these steps can be skipped by passing NULL to the corresponding argument.

Masks are applied to each downloaded asset separately. Rescaling is applied to the final composite after images are combined.

A number of the steps involved in creating composites – rescaling band values, running the mask function, masking images, and compositing images – currently rely on the terra package for raster calculations. This means creating larger composites, either in geographic or temporal dimension, may cause errors. It can be a good idea to tile your aoi using sf::st_make_grid() and iterate through the tiles to avoid these errors (and to make it easier to interrupt and restart a download job).


If rescale_bands is TRUE, then this function is able to use the scale and offset values in the bands field of the raster STAC extension. This was implemented originally to work with the Landsat collections in the Planetary Computer STAC catalogue, but hopefully will work automatically with other data sources as well. Note that Sentinel-2 data typically doesn't use this STAC extension, and so the returned data is typically not re-scaled; divide the downloaded band values by 10000 to get reflectance values in the expected values.

Sentinel-1 Data

The get_sentinel1_imagery() function is designed to download Sentinel-1 data from the Microsoft Planetary Computer STAC API. Both the GRD and RTC Sentinel-1 collections are supported. To download RTC data, set collection to sentinel-1-rtc, and supply your subscription key as an environment variable named rsi_pc_key (through, e.g., Sys.setenv() or your .Renviron file).


The get_alos_palsar_imagery() function is designed to download ALOS PALSAR annual mosaic data from the Microsoft Planetary Computer STAC API. Data are returned as a digital number (which is appropriate for some applications and indices). To convert to backscatter (decibels) use the following formula: 10 * log10(dn) - 83.0 where dn is the radar band in digital number.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
aoi <- sf::st_point(c(-74.912131, 44.080410))
aoi <- sf::st_set_crs(sf::st_sfc(aoi), 4326)
aoi <- sf::st_buffer(sf::st_transform(aoi, 5070), 100)

  start_date = "2022-06-01",
  end_date = "2022-06-30",
  pixel_x_size = 30,
  pixel_y_size = 30,
  asset_names = c(
    "red", "blue", "green"
  stac_source = "",
  collection = "landsat-c2-l2",
  query_function = rsi_query_api,
  sign_function = sign_planetary_computer,
  mask_band = "qa_pixel",
  mask_function = landsat_mask_function,
  item_filter_function = landsat_platform_filter,
  platforms = c("landsat-9", "landsat-8"),
  output_filename = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

# or, mostly equivalently (will download more bands):
landsat_image <- get_landsat_imagery(
  start_date = "2022-06-01",
  end_date = "2022-08-30",
  output_filename = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

landsat_image |> 
  terra::rast() |>
  terra::stretch() |>

# The `get_*_imagery()` functions will download 
# all available "data" assets by default
# (usually including measured values, and excluding derived bands)
sentinel1_data <- get_sentinel1_imagery(
  start_date = "2022-06-01",
  end_date = "2022-07-01",
  output_filename = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

# You can see what bands will be downloaded by a function
# by inspecting the corresponding `band_mapping` object:

# And you can add additional assets using `c()`:

# Or subset the assets downloaded using `[` or `[[`:
sentinel2_imagery <- get_sentinel2_imagery(
  start_date = "2022-06-01",
  end_date = "2022-07-01",
  asset_names = sentinel2_band_mapping$planetary_computer_v1["B01"],
  output_filename = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")

# If you're downloading data for a particularly large AOI,
# and can't composite the resulting images or want to make
# sure you can continue an interrupted download,
# consider tiling your AOI and requesting each tile separately:
aoi <- sf::st_make_grid(aoi, n = 2)
tiles <- lapply(
  function(i) {
      start_date = "2022-06-01",
      end_date = "2022-08-30",
      output_filename = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
# You'll get a list of tiles that you can then composite or 
# work with however you wish: