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Create an endpoint for accepting connections and bind it to the socket referenced by the socket argument.
connect.socket() disconnect.socket()
Connect the socket referenced by the socket argument to the endpoint specified by the endpoint argument.
init.context() init.socket()
initailize zmq context and zmq socket
create a message object.
Polls a list of sockets, waiting for the presence of a nonblocking read, write, or error event.
Receive multipart ZMQ message
receive.socket() receive.null.msg() receive.string() receive.double()
Receive a message from the socket referenced by the socket argument.
Send multipart ZMQ message.
send.socket() send.null.msg() send.raw.string()
send a message.
set.hwm() set.swap() set.affinity() set.identity() subscribe() unsubscribe() set.rate() set.recovery.ivl() set.recovery.ivl.msec() set.mcast.loop() set.sndbuf() set.rcvbuf() set.linger() set.reconnect.ivl() set.zmq.backlog() set.reconnect.ivl.max() get.rcvmore() get.last.endpoint() get.send.timeout() set.send.timeout() get.rcv.timeout() set.rcv.timeout()
set a socket option.
zmq.errno() zmq.strerror()
get libzmq error numbers and error strings
get version of libzmq