Loads TAC from file for use by other functions (default is PMOD .tac format)
This is the main function for loading an individual participant's TAC data. The minimal required information within the supplied files is the start and stop times and a time unit (either seconds or minutes), as well as the activity values for 1 or more ROIs, and units for activity. The currently supported formats (with the corresponding format argument), include:
"PMOD": PMOD .tac files
"voistat": PMOD TAC .voistat files used in combination with PMOD .acqtimes file for start/stop times.
"magia": magia pipeline .mat tac file
"DFT": Turku PET Centre's DFT format
- filename
(e.g. "participant01.tac")
- format
A character string, with options listed above (e.g. "PMOD")
- acqtimes
Filename for a .acqtimes file (as in PMOD), required for format="voistat"
- time_unit
NULL if in file (e.g. PMOD .tac), or set to "seconds" or "minutes" if not in file or to override file
- activity_unit
NULL if in file (e.g. PMOD .tac), or set to "kBq/cc", "Bq/cc", "nCi/cc"
See also
Other Loading functions: as.tac
, load_vol
f_raw_tac <- system.file("extdata", "AD06.tac", package="tacmagic")
tac <- load_tac(f_raw_tac)