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Write YAML and XML back to disk as (R)Markdown


to_md(yaml_xml_list, path = NULL, stylesheet_path = stylesheet())

to_md_vec(nodelist, stylesheet_path = stylesheet())



result from a call to to_xml() and editing.


path of the new file. Defaults to NULL, which will not write any file, but will still produce the conversion and pass the output as a character vector.


path to the XSL stylesheet


an object of xml_nodelist or xml_node


  • to_md(): \[character\] the converted document, invisibly as a character vector containing two elements: the yaml list and the markdown body.

  • to_md_vec(): \[character\] the markdown representation of each node.


The stylesheet you use will decide whether lists are built using "*" or "-" for instance. If you're keen to keep your own Markdown style when using to_md() after to_xml(), you can tweak the XSL stylesheet a bit and provide the path to your XSL stylesheet as argument.


path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
yaml_xml_list <- to_xml(path)
#> [1] "yaml" "body"
# extract the level 3 headers from the body
headers3 <- xml2::xml_find_all(
  xpath = './/md:heading[@level="3"]', 
  ns = md_ns()
# show the headers
print(h3 <- to_md_vec(headers3))
#> [1] "### Getting a list of 50 species from occurrence data"
#> [2] "### Querying the scientific literature"               
#> [3] "### Querying scientific open data"                    
#> [4] "### Conclusion"                                       
# transform level 3 headers into level 1 headers
# NOTE: these nodes are still associated with the document and this is done
# in place.
xml2::xml_set_attr(headers3, "level", 1)
# preview the new headers
print(h1 <- to_md_vec(headers3))
#> [1] "# Getting a list of 50 species from occurrence data"
#> [2] "# Querying the scientific literature"               
#> [3] "# Querying scientific open data"                    
#> [4] "# Conclusion"                                       
# save back and have a look
newmd <- tempfile("newmd", fileext = ".md")
res <- to_md(yaml_xml_list, newmd)
# show that it works
regmatches(res[[2]], gregexpr(h1[1], res[[2]], fixed = TRUE))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "# Getting a list of 50 species from occurrence data"
# file.edit("")
#> [1] TRUE