Zanne et al. plant dataset
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This data is a dataset stored on Dryad (doi: 10.5061/dryad.63q27). When using this data, cite the paper:
Zanne AE, Tank DC, Cornwell WK, Eastman JM, Smith SA, FitzJohn RG, McGlinn DJ, O'Meara BC, Moles AT, Reich PB, Royer DL, Soltis DE, Stevens PF, Westoby M, Wright IJ, Aarssen L, Bertin RI, Calaminus A, Govaerts R, Hemmings F, Leishman MR, Oleksyn J, Soltis PS, Swenson NG, Warman L, Beaulieu JM, Ordonez A (2014) Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments. Nature 506(7486): 89-92.
As well as the Dryad data package:
Zanne AE, Tank DC, Cornwell WK, Eastman JM, Smith SA, FitzJohn RG, McGlinn DJ, O'Meara BC, Moles AT, Reich PB, Royer DL, Soltis DE, Stevens PF, Westoby M, Wright IJ, Aarssen L, Bertin RI, Calaminus A, Govaerts R, Hemmings F, Leishman MR, Oleksyn J, Soltis PS, Swenson NG, Warman L, Beaulieu JM, Ordonez A (2013) Data from: Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments. Dryad Digital Repository.