Search for wikidata item identifiers. Note that this search is currently not limited to chemical substances, so be sure to check your results.
- query
character; The searchterm
- match
character; How should multiple hits be handeled? 'all' returns all matched IDs, 'first' only the first match, 'best' the best matching (by name) ID, 'ask' is a interactive mode and the user is asked for input, na' returns NA if multiple hits are found.
- verbose
logical; print message during processing to console?
- language
character; the language to search in
if match = 'all' a list with ids, otherwise a dataframe with 4 columns: id, matched text, string distance to match and the queried string
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
get_wdid('Triclosan', language = 'de')
get_wdid('DDT', match = 'all')
# multiple inputs
comps <- c('Triclosan', 'Glyphosate')
} # }