Read an object created in a previously run processing script.
Read an object created in a previously run processing script.
This function is only accessible within an R or Rmd file processed by DataPackageR.
It searches for an environment named ENVS
within the current environment,
that holds the object with the given name
. Such an environment is constructed and populated
with objects specified in the yaml objects
property and passed along
to subsequent R and Rmd files as DataPackageR processes them in order.
# \donttest{
ENVS <- new.env() # ENVS would be in the environment
# where the data processing is run. It is
# handled automatically by the package.
assign("find_me", 100, ENVS) #This is done automatically by DataPackageR
find_me <- datapackager_object_read("find_me") # This would appear in an Rmd processed by
# DataPackageR to access the object named "find_me" created
# by a previous script. "find_me" would also need to
# appear in the objects property of datapackager.yml
# }