Ignore specific files by git and R build.
datapackage_skeleton(name="test",path = tempdir())
#> ✔ Creating /tmp/RtmpphRLBF/test/.
#> ✔ Setting active project to "/tmp/RtmpphRLBF/test".
#> ✔ Creating R/.
#> ✔ Writing DESCRIPTION.
#> Package: test
#> Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
#> Version:
#> Authors@R (parsed):
#> * First Last <first.last@example.com> [aut, cre]
#> Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
#> License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to
#> pick a license
#> Encoding: UTF-8
#> Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
#> RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
#> ✔ Writing NAMESPACE.
#> ✔ Setting active project to "/tmp/RtmpphRLBF/datatest".
#> ✔ Setting active project to "/tmp/RtmpphRLBF/test".
#> ✔ Added DataVersion string to 'DESCRIPTION'
#> ✔ Creating data-raw/.
#> ✔ Creating data/.
#> ✔ Creating inst/extdata/.
#> ✔ configured 'datapackager.yml' file
use_ignore("foo", ".")
#> ✔ Adding "^\\./foo$" to .Rbuildignore.
#> ✔ Adding "foo" to .gitignore.