DoOR response data for responding unit Ir76a. Please find detailed information on the respective sources of the data in door_dataset_info.
'data.frame': 693 obs. of 6 variables: $ Class : Factor w/ 17 levels "acid","acids",..: NA 13 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ... $ Name : Factor w/ 690 levels "11-cis vaccenyl acetate",..: 634 675 240 613 283 239 363 436 458 341 ... $ InChIKey : Factor w/ 693 levels "ACCRBMDJCPPJDX-UHFFFAOYSA-N",..: 482 612 549 252 548 418 196 577 41 462 ... $ CID : Factor w/ 687 levels "1001","10050",..: 686 680 139 15 220 189 483 610 564 468 ... $ CAS : Factor w/ 677 levels "1001-45-2","10032-13-0",..: 676 591 212 100 379 586 231 114 62 200 ... $ Silbering.2011.AL: num 0 -1.38 1.65 -2.05 -1.3 ...