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Get audit count


get_audit_count(query, env = "production")



(character) Query (see details below)


(character) Repository environment. Can be: "production", "staging", or "development".


(numeric) Returns a count of the number of audit records matching the query parameters as specified in the request.


Query parameters are specified as key=value pairs, multiple pairs must be delimited with ampersands (&), and only a single value should be specified for a particular key. The following query parameter keys are allowed:

  • category - Can be: debug, info, error, warn

  • service - Any of the EDI data repository services

  • serviceMethod - Any of the EDI data repository service Resource class JAX-RS methods

  • user - Any user

  • group - Any group

  • authSystem - A valid auth system identifier

  • status - A valid HTTP Response Code

  • resourceId - An EDI data repository resource identifier, e.g., or a substring thereof (see details below)

  • fromTime - An ISO8601 timestamp

  • toTime - An ISO8601 timestamp

  • limit - A positive whole number

The query parameters fromTime and optionally toTime should be used to indicate a time span. When toTime is absent, the count will include of all matching records up to the current time. Either of these parameters may only be used once. The query parameter limit sets an upper limit on the number of audit records returned. For example, "limit=1000". The query parameter resourceId will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the specified string value. Thus, a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and", while a query parameter of "resourceId=knb-lter-and/2719/6" will match any audit log entry whose resourceId value contains the substring "knb-lter-and/2719/6".


User authentication is required (see login())

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{


# Count the number of warnings issued between 2021-12-01 and 2021-12-05
res <- get_audit_count(
  query = "category=warn&fromTime=2021-12-01&toTime=2021-12-05"
#> [1] 10022

} # }