Data sources are data packages, or other online digital
objects, that are known to be inputs to the specified derived data package.
list_data_sources(packageId, as = "data.frame", env = "production")
- packageId
(character) Data package identifier
- as
(character) Format of the returned object. Can be: "data.frame"
or "xml".
- env
(character) Repository environment. Can be: "production",
"staging", or "development".
(data.frame or xml_document) Data sources to packageId
Data sources can be either internal or external to the EDI data
repository. Internal data sources include a packageId value and a URL to the
source metadata. For data sources external to PASTA, the packageId element
will be empty and a URL value may or not be documented.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# List sources
dataSources <- list_data_sources("edi.275.4")
} # }