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Read data entity


read_data_entity(packageId, entityId, env = "production")



(character) Data package identifier


(character) Data entity identifier


(character) Repository environment. Can be: "production", "staging", or "development".


(raw) Raw bytes (i.e. application/octet-stream) to be parsed by a reader function appropriate for the data type


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Read names and IDs of data entities in package "edi.1047.1"
res <- read_data_entity_names(packageId = "edi.1047.1")
#>                           entityId                entityName
#> 1 3abac5f99ecc1585879178a355176f6d        Environmentals.csv
#> 2 f6bfa89b48ced8292840e53567cbf0c8               ByCatch.csv
#> 3 c75642ddccb4301327b4b1a86bdee906               Chinook.csv
#> 4 2c9ee86cc3f3ffc729c5f18bfe0a2a1d             Steelhead.csv
#> 5 785690848dd20f4910637250cdc96819 TrapEfficiencyRelease.csv
#> 6 58b9000439a5671ea7fe13212e889ba5 TrapEfficiencySummary.csv
#> 7 86e61c1a501b7dcf0040d10e009bfd87        TrapOperations.csv

# Read raw bytes of the 3rd data entity
raw <- read_data_entity(packageId = "edi.1047.1", entityId = res$entityId[3])
#> [1] ef bb bf 44 61 74

# Parse with .csv reader
data <- readr::read_csv(file = raw)
#> # A tibble: 105,325 x 20
#> Date   trapVisitID subSiteName  catchRawID releaseID commonName     n
#> <chr>        <dbl> <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>
#>   1 1/8/2~         330 North Chann~      32409         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 2 1/8/2~         330 North Chann~      32412         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 3 1/8/2~         330 North Chann~      32410         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 4 1/8/2~         330 North Chann~      32408         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 5 1/8/2~         330 North Chann~      32406         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 6 1/8/2~         322 North Chann~      31958         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 7 1/8/2~         322 North Chann~      31975         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 8 1/8/2~         322 North Chann~      31974         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 9 1/8/2~         322 North Chann~      31973         0 Chinook s~     1
#> 10 1/8/2~         322 North Chann~      31972         0 Chinook s~     1
#> # ... with 105,315 more rows, and 13 more variables:
#> #   atCaptureRun <chr>, finalRun <chr>, finalRunMethod <chr>,
#> #   lifeStage <chr>, forkLength <dbl>, weight <dbl>, mort <chr>,
#> #   fishOrigin <chr>, markType <chr>, CatchRaw.comments <chr>,
#> #   specimenTypeID <dbl>, physicalSpecimenCode <chr>,
#> #   Specimen.comments <lgl>
} # }