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EML 2.0.6

EML 2.0.5

CRAN release: 2021-02-27

  • migrate upstream namespace changes units::as.units -> units::as_units

EML 2.0.4

CRAN release: 2020-11-10

  • bugfix for CRAN testing

EML 2.0.3

CRAN release: 2020-07-23

  • Note recent improvements to validation have been inherited through the release of emld 0.5.0, package dependency now requires upgrading emld as well.
  • Fixed a bug in set_attributes causing an error when specifying an interval measurementScale. (#293)
  • Updated test suite to account for the switch from taxize to taxadb
  • Updated test suite to match recent changes in emld 0.5.0 regarding unit definitions (See

EML 2.0.2

CRAN release: 2020-02-08

  • minor bugfix to documentation
  • Moves to taxadb in place of taxize for optional species classification
  • Note recent improvements to validation have been inherited through the release of emld 0.4.0, package dependency now requires upgrading emld as well.

EML 2.0.1

CRAN release: 2019-12-09

  • Improve error message for get_attributes (#286)
  • Avoid ifelse() for portability (#283)
  • Avoid edge case that can create invalid EML in set_taxonomicNames() (#280)
  • Add documentation regarding the use of dimensionless units (#276)
  • Avoid test errors on systems for which pandoc cannot be installed (#290)

EML 2.0.0

CRAN release: 2019-04-23

  • EML 2.0.0 is a ground-up rewrite of EML 1.x package. The primary difference is that EML 2.0.0 is built on S3 (list) objects instead of S4 object system. This makes the package interface easier to use and extend. Under the hood, this approach relies on the emld package, which uses a JSON-LD representation of EML which provides a natural translation into the list-based format.

    While most high level functions for creating EML have been preserved, the change to S3 means that this package will not be backwards-compatible with many scripts which relied on the S4 system.

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.