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For any EML element of class TextType, this function can be used to generate the appropriate EML from a markdown-formatted file.


set_TextType(file = NULL, text = NULL)



path to a file providing formatted input text, see details.


a plain text character string which will be used directly as the content of the node if no file is given


a TextType object that can be coerced into any element inheriting from TextType, see examples


If the `rmarkdown` package is installed, then the input file can be a Microsoft Word (.docx) file, a markdown file, or other file recognized by Pandoc (see, which will automate the conversion to a docbook. Otherwise, the input file should already be in docbook format (with .xml or .dbk extension). Note that pandoc comes pre-installed in RStudio and is required for the rmarkdown package.


# \donttest{
## using a simple character string
a <- set_TextType(text = "This is the abstract")

## Using an external markdown file
f <- system.file("examples/", package = "EML")
a <- set_TextType(f)

## Can also import from methods written in a .docx MS Word file.
f <- system.file("examples/hf205-abstract.docx", package = "EML")
a <- set_TextType(f)

## Documents with title headings use `section` instead of `para` notation
f <- system.file("examples/hf205-methods.docx", package = "EML")
d <- set_TextType(f)
# }