Constructor function for metadata nodes
property = NULL,
content = NULL,
rel = NULL,
href = NULL,
datatype = NULL,
id = NULL,
type = NULL,
children = list()
- property
specify the ontological definition together with it's namespace, e.g. dc:title
- content
content of the metadata field
- rel
Ontological definition of the reference provided in href
- href
A link to some reference
- datatype
optional RDFa field
- id
optional id element (otherwise id will be automatically generated).
- type
optional xsi:type. If not given, will use either "LiteralMeta" or "ResourceMeta" as determined by the presence of either a property or a href value.
- children
Optional element containing any valid XML block (XMLInternalElementNode class, see the XML package for details).
User must either provide property+content or rel+href. Mixing these will result in potential garbage. The datatype attribute will be detected automatically from the class of the content argument. Maps from R class to schema datatypes are as follows: character - xs:string, Date - xs:date, integer - xs:integer, numeric - xs:decimal, logical - xs:boolean
meta(content="example", property="dc:title")
#> An object of class "LiteralMeta"
#> Slot "id":
#> [1] "m31"
#> Slot "property":
#> [1] "dc:title"
#> Slot "datatype":
#> [1] "xsd:string"
#> Slot "content":
#> [1] "example"
#> Slot "children":
#> list()
#> Slot "xsi:type":
#> [1] "LiteralMeta"