is meant to be the top-level function for
interacting with grant database search functions.
Simple keyword search, single source
nsf <- search_awards(keywords="illicit", sources="nsf", from_date="2023-01-01")
#> Warning in request(paste0(query_url, "&offset=", offset), "get", verbose): Bad
#> Request (HTTP 400).
#> 'data.frame': 0 obs. of 0 variables
Multiple sources and keywords, specific date range
nsf_and_nih <- search_awards(keywords=c("ontological", "audio recordings"), sources=c("nsf", "nih"), from_date="2018-01-01", to_date="2018-02-01")
#> Warning in request(paste0(query_url, "&offset=", offset), "get", verbose): Bad
#> Request (HTTP 400).
#> Warning in request(paste0(query_url, "&offset=", offset), "get", verbose): Bad
#> Request (HTTP 400).
#> < table of extent 0 >
For more than a few keywords, you can specify an external simple csv
file. If you specify a .csv file path for keywords
, the
file should be a list of keywords, one string per line. For example:
qualitative data
qualitative analysis
case study
case studies